07 January 2012


Consequences of partying too much, sleeping too less.
even a lil' bit of brainstorm hurts myself :( wtff fml
& I got everything that related with numbers, all mixed up! 1st, I wrote all the date 070112, it was actually just 060112. 2ndly, I told momma I went yumcha at 5am, but it was 3am. 3rdly, I thought today was Thursday, but it was actually Friday. omgg man! & all these happened within an hour. HAHA! Pathetic much. (btw, i wrote this on 060112, just in case you got confused)
So people,
sleep earlier & get enough rest to maintain your brain, mind, and soul in a good condition. (:

I'll try to post up some event post laah kay? I know this is getting boringg. :( 

bedtime. signing out,
love xx.

PS : I will layan you if you're doing serious matter, but you're entertaining yourself, fuck you please.


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