31 March 2011

To be Happy, once again.

No one understand my situation. I only wants my mom to be happy. That`s it. I`m selfish when it comes to my family. They are just too precious for me.

Sorry for all these short posts. A lot happened for the past 3 months & I`m very thankful for everyone who appeared for that period of time. You guys just ROCK my world. ((:

PS : Sorry mom, I was out of control but I`m holding back the controller for now on.

30 March 2011

New Love

noticed something ? :D 
New spec , yes.
New Pooh, yes. *my no.7* 
New bra stripe, eherm! NO
I actually cut my hair again if you notice =3

I`m weird in a way. Weird Attitude
I like it the way it is. Don`t ask me to change. 
Ignoring the world. FTW

ps : It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart. Buckle Up!

28 March 2011

I will be BACK !

Hellooooooooooo ! xD xD
Miss me NOT ?!??

to be continue ... *real soon!* 

ps: I never regret every steps I made. Laugh and tease all you want, it`s my life. ((:



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