10 October 2010


I looked at this stupid thing for 10 minutes & It is still like this RIGHT NOW !
Idk what happen to today`s connection ! 
so SUCK ! I can`t even do anything ... 
I on-ed my Dragonica & I die w/o been kill or maybe everything got delay like more than 10sec !! 
So I planned to blog bout some of my day , but those photos uploading even slower than a turtle/snail ! 
zomgwtfml ... #$%()$()_)(*&^%#@@#$%*() 
My mood sibeh bad ! Keep on scolding people - .- 
hahaa~ But I apologized after that (: 
still , Sorry to whoever I talked harshly to @@ 

Please faster a bit stupid connection.
I don`t wanna dissapoint my readers!

ps : What are we now . ? 


Anonymous said...

as the parent of a child with special needs I hate the word retard. It's demeaning and offensive to my child and the millions like her. why do you use this slur?

Chutipond said...

ohh .. I mean the connection retard , not human being . (: sorry for misunderstanding .

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