08 October 2010

New "Whore"

hey there my lovessss ~ (:
Sorry nowadays quite lazy to update blog . :X
but I seriously got lotsa lotsaaa stuff , activities , events to blog about .
and so when I delayed 1 day to blog , another event happened & I`m force to blog a post with everything. lol!
but now i change laar , 1 by 1 post . okay ? (:
cause long post no people wanna read !!!! }:O

1/10/2010  Friday
was my brother`s 20th Birthday ! :D
My family only 1 person is in legal age - my mom ! lol ~
all still underage . damn lame ! = =
so , something very bad happened that day .
I got some emotional disorder "syndrome" . If you always stalk my twitter maybe you will know what happen xD
cause i am not going to spill it out here .

& that day I helped my sis ban leng leng :D
& she si beh willing to take photos with me loe !

so I thought she will be nervous to take photo laar ~ manatau came out all also my problem !
HAHAHAAA ... made her si beh beh song ! xD
mostly also tutup mata! roflmao ~ damn n o o b !

Only 3 successful one because she deleted some she-think-she`s ugly photo = = pfft~
who said she looked ugly HUH ?!  Never kena chokeslam by Ah Pond is it ?! }:O

& if u`re feeling emo/moody/PEK CEK like me right now , because my facebook, MSN & Hotmail hacked!
then I seriously hope this few photos can make ur night better (:
I know you feel like slapping me more . xD 

2mrw morning photoshoot! =S 
sleep now . night !~ 

Happy 3Months Anniversary . I mean it. 


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