01 December 2008

Chatting with Jiee ..
I don`t know why ..
I feel We`re doesn`t look like the past ..
When I tell you I thought u don`t want me lea ..
I cried .. =\
Such Useless .. I really miss the old time ..
But I just can`t chat with you like the old time ..
Laugh around, Sharing secrets, Gossips ..
No. It`s my problem .. I`m treating you different ..
But I will try to be the OLD me .. yaa. old me ..

I`m scare .. Everyone just leave me ..
Chris, Cyris, Zean, Tung, Jie and even Kelly .. =(
I miss Everyone .. Hope Kelly will be back to M`sia soon ..
I hop Jie will talk to me often .. Like the old time ..
You always find me whenever there`s something up .. Don`t change .. Please ..
It`s just Dante left right now ..
I`m glad that he`s still here to be with me =)
Such a GreaT friend =D

Hope Our friendships will remain ..
Toodless .. xP


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