01 December 2008

It`s 8:28am ONLY.
And I`m here staying alive while the others still sleeping in their coffin .. X.X
I`m barely sleep last night .. *sigh
Or maybe i didn`t even get a good sleep..
sucks man ..

1st time in the holiday so early wake up.. =(
1st time i never dream =D
erm .. If I sleep , what I`ll dream ? lol ..

Ok lae .. Very freaking boring ..
No One`s online ..
& my stomach is still hella pain .. @"@

Maybe not going to dance class today but science tuition . hahahaa ~
dah biasa ponteng class for dance .. xD
I miss Seva too .. haha!
Hope to see everyone soon =)

Ohh .. Befor I forget, there will be a new gal aka leng lui shift to my school =)
blerk ~
Okay lae .. TTFN ..


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