08 April 2009

Lynnx`s Day but not Mine

I have to say Hundreds of millions of [[SORRY]] to my dearable cousin
YelYn a.k.a Lynn
It`s here birthday today .
But I didn`t even said a wish to her =_= Bad Cousin I am .. I know @"@
I really very exhausted lae .. + Too busy which made me kept forget today is your birthday .. sorry sorry ..

I know you`re angrying me =X
But I [SWEAR] I`ll repay you with something okay =)
I still <3 you cousin ~!
Cousin Forever ..
I may not be the 1st to wishes you .,
But I hope I`m always still the last person who wishes everyone .
{Happy 13th Birthday}
Lynn !!
love you more !


♪ Chenz said...

happy birthday to her. ^^

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