I UN-PRIVATE my blog jor lae -.-
I private it because i super lazy update .. so i close it down so that no one will keep ask me to update it X)
but i found out that I private it became worse -.-
12/11/2009 Thursday
Ning came to my house only 2gether walk to school ..
hek hekk ~ she wore my Baju Kurung again >"< last time I fatter so she can wear .. X)
hahahaaa .. shh `

Gal lei gehh mah .. fat hao a bit X)

That SoPoh lanc me her skill X( very geng meh ..
cheh cheh ~ xD

Her vain shoot X)

My aeiou shoot ..

went back my house makan then planned go Lily`s house revision ..
dim zhi he say come my house -.- gek seii ~
zou zhi dou i bath sin .. urgh ~ let them say me smelly =C
u guys punya fault tau !?
seriously, I can`t even study when Lily & SiFat Ghost with us xD
from the starting laugh till the end . NO study dou ..
aiyaa .. got la got la . a bit only loe .. ~
13/11/2009 Friday
''Graduate Day''

yaa .. kiss your ass on the floor and listen to the teachers to talk ..
Headmistress beh tahan us so she synopsis-ed her speech xD
noisiness you know X) who can stand it .. hahaa ~
then we have to shake every teacher`s hand ..
some of them so nice .. =)
some of them so shy .. -.-
some of them so LANC ! ... fine ! i think the positive way . you got sick so don`t dare to shake our hand =D
some of them i hugged XD and almost touched their ass -.-
so paiseh =X
everyone`s soooo VAIN ..
keep taking photos .. I actually wanna take photo with many of them in my class ..
BUT ! you know me de lae .. shy de mah =$
Photo with MAIZ, Pei & Genee ..
you see my fringe ToT short short gehh .. macam dao gei jor .. LOL !

i still heart MAIZ pic the most <3

-.- i remember when you took this jor Xuan !!
Ning capture you , you capture us . LOL ~

Xuan & Ling
ignore behind that black gal xD hahahahaa ~ `

Xian ~ very hot ~~

Xuan ... ... 8D
she jealous i wear my specky de loe .. xP

Elain :D

Elain, Ning Xander & Xuan
Xander don`t put those innocent eyes anymore .. ikillyou xP
that xuan mmg x bekerjasama .. esh ~~

Nigel X)

Elain & Pond .
yesh . with MAIZ use Ling, with Friends use Pond=D

5 Kiaras ~ 3/4 of us only XC
ohh yeah , we BOO-ed Mr.Do away xD

for sure not my suggestion. wether Ning/Tick`s xD

Tick & Pond .. Retard group `=X

OHH !! at class hor .. that Puan Tamil came to our class ask us to clean & put our chairs on the table ..
then she keep hit my shoulder -.-
aiyoyoo .. you thought i pekak meh .. xD hahaaa ~
after that went down to the hall for our ''graduate ceremony''
5 Jatis kena kick back class because of their dirtiness .. xP
okay laa .. my class also kena -.- but 5 students needed to go only xD


Jason =X

recess time ..
we walk around the school like there`s no rules X)
Xuan ajak me to go Canteen xD

of course we hold hands walk there laa =D
semangat MAIZ tau xD

I holded Xian`s too ! like couple hor X)
Xuan & I de macam kindergarden that time teacher ask us to hold de xxxD
no laa .. it`s joyfulness ~

our dai gei + student look =D

my eyes .. aiks ~
no eyes see !!

they like this photo then can loe =( wuwuwuu ~

The Perverts Team XD
I just called by just name but him, named pervert because of his attitude xD
always say i molest him ToT see his face who dare to touch .. x=

Pond with the goodgal gang xD
Syafikah , Ezzati & Syamila .

we passed by form4`s too ~
So i grabbed Yee Lin to take photo with me X)
I`m a failure kai jie -.- I know ~~

heart this pic to the max =D

HaHa & PonD

This Harn Zi mmg vain .. -.- grab me and take photo ..

hahahaa .. SiFat Ghost ..
I actually wanna take photo with his bxtt gehh .. =X
hahahaa ,.. jk laa .. he very dai fong gehh X)

Meow Meow Meow ~

My zhi mui X)

er .. i ter-zoomed in =X

Harn Zi molester .

Alvin syok syok sendiri X-

=D they enjoy taking photo de loe -.-
guys = gals also de laa .. ~~~

Genee*PonD =D
i always look retard whenever I take photo with her ToT unfair betul ~

when walkin back home .. XD
PonD * Eugene ..

I forget my sis no go school loe .. -.- I waited for her lae .. LOL !
but for a while only then my mind nudge me ~ xD
faster walk back home ..
saw Jen Zhen*Ashley`s bro .. we greet with our head nodding and smile only -.-
what a dry scene .. LOL !
see my eyebags !! roarr !

Today, saw Zhi Hao also =O
everyone shock loe .. ~
he not changed school liao de meh ?
i thought he is Ann Zai lae !! - this is definitely me saying that xD
blurness ~~
Good Luck For Spm .. from Pond
Thanks !! from LinG :)
I private it because i super lazy update .. so i close it down so that no one will keep ask me to update it X)
but i found out that I private it became worse -.-
12/11/2009 Thursday
Ning came to my house only 2gether walk to school ..
hek hekk ~ she wore my Baju Kurung again >"< last time I fatter so she can wear .. X)
hahahaaa .. shh `
Gal lei gehh mah .. fat hao a bit X)
That SoPoh lanc me her skill X( very geng meh ..
cheh cheh ~ xD
Her vain shoot X)
My aeiou shoot ..
went back my house makan then planned go Lily`s house revision ..
dim zhi he say come my house -.- gek seii ~
zou zhi dou i bath sin .. urgh ~ let them say me smelly =C
u guys punya fault tau !?
seriously, I can`t even study when Lily & SiFat Ghost with us xD
from the starting laugh till the end . NO study dou ..
aiyaa .. got la got la . a bit only loe .. ~
13/11/2009 Friday
''Graduate Day''
yaa .. kiss your ass on the floor and listen to the teachers to talk ..
Headmistress beh tahan us so she synopsis-ed her speech xD
noisiness you know X) who can stand it .. hahaa ~
then we have to shake every teacher`s hand ..
some of them so nice .. =)
some of them so shy .. -.-
some of them so LANC ! ... fine ! i think the positive way . you got sick so don`t dare to shake our hand =D
some of them i hugged XD and almost touched their ass -.-
so paiseh =X
everyone`s soooo VAIN ..
keep taking photos .. I actually wanna take photo with many of them in my class ..
BUT ! you know me de lae .. shy de mah =$
Photo with MAIZ, Pei & Genee ..
you see my fringe ToT short short gehh .. macam dao gei jor .. LOL !

i still heart MAIZ pic the most <3

-.- i remember when you took this jor Xuan !!
Ning capture you , you capture us . LOL ~

Xuan & Ling
ignore behind that black gal xD hahahahaa ~ `

Xian ~ very hot ~~
Xuan ... ... 8D
she jealous i wear my specky de loe .. xP
Elain :D
Elain, Ning Xander & Xuan
Xander don`t put those innocent eyes anymore .. ikillyou xP
that xuan mmg x bekerjasama .. esh ~~
Nigel X)
Elain & Pond .
yesh . with MAIZ use Ling, with Friends use Pond=D
5 Kiaras ~ 3/4 of us only XC
ohh yeah , we BOO-ed Mr.Do away xD

for sure not my suggestion. wether Ning/Tick`s xD
Tick & Pond .. Retard group `=X
OHH !! at class hor .. that Puan Tamil came to our class ask us to clean & put our chairs on the table ..
then she keep hit my shoulder -.-
aiyoyoo .. you thought i pekak meh .. xD hahaaa ~
after that went down to the hall for our ''graduate ceremony''
5 Jatis kena kick back class because of their dirtiness .. xP
okay laa .. my class also kena -.- but 5 students needed to go only xD

Jason =X
recess time ..
we walk around the school like there`s no rules X)
Xuan ajak me to go Canteen xD

of course we hold hands walk there laa =D
semangat MAIZ tau xD

I holded Xian`s too ! like couple hor X)
Xuan & I de macam kindergarden that time teacher ask us to hold de xxxD
no laa .. it`s joyfulness ~

our dai gei + student look =D

my eyes .. aiks ~
no eyes see !!

they like this photo then can loe =( wuwuwuu ~

The Perverts Team XD
I just called by just name but him, named pervert because of his attitude xD
always say i molest him ToT see his face who dare to touch .. x=
Pond with the goodgal gang xD
Syafikah , Ezzati & Syamila .

we passed by form4`s too ~
So i grabbed Yee Lin to take photo with me X)
I`m a failure kai jie -.- I know ~~
heart this pic to the max =D

HaHa & PonD
This Harn Zi mmg vain .. -.- grab me and take photo ..
hahahaa .. SiFat Ghost ..
I actually wanna take photo with his bxtt gehh .. =X
hahahaa ,.. jk laa .. he very dai fong gehh X)
Meow Meow Meow ~
My zhi mui X)
er .. i ter-zoomed in =X
Harn Zi molester .
Alvin syok syok sendiri X-
=D they enjoy taking photo de loe -.-
guys = gals also de laa .. ~~~
Genee*PonD =D
i always look retard whenever I take photo with her ToT unfair betul ~
when walkin back home .. XD
PonD * Eugene ..
I forget my sis no go school loe .. -.- I waited for her lae .. LOL !
but for a while only then my mind nudge me ~ xD
faster walk back home ..
saw Jen Zhen*Ashley`s bro .. we greet with our head nodding and smile only -.-
what a dry scene .. LOL !
see my eyebags !! roarr !
Today, saw Zhi Hao also =O
everyone shock loe .. ~
he not changed school liao de meh ?
i thought he is Ann Zai lae !! - this is definitely me saying that xD
blurness ~~
Good Luck For Spm .. from Pond
Thanks !! from LinG :)
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