okay .. here i am again =D
miss me huh ?!
my bro`s 19th Bithday =D
we just celebrate it in the office ..
simple 1 .. he suggested .

went to San Terri for his cake .
I guess the name spelled like that ~"~
nice environment , nice cakes , nice ceiling lamp X)

happy birthday to you ~~

nice hair day too =X

went to school X)
so long never wear uniform ~
yaa .. now also .. always ponteng =X

Eng`s house opening party =D
GoldFish Eng remember? X)
I look super pale that day =(
actually .. everyday also pale -.-

my hp inside only got Xian & I de group pic -.-
others at Xuan`s camera ..
suan le bahh ~ hahaa ..

bout 11+ pm
so tired jor de loe .. but i still have lotsa fun ..
example ? whack ppl`s butt using Eng`s lil sis toy tool ..
hahahaa ~

Xuan & Xian sing K de X)

sexay back ~


idk when is it already .
when to work =)
try another style ..
classic yet punk .. =X so not me de hor ~

square boxes pants & shoes =D

in the car =D

shh .. silence . fake . unreal .

my effin sick face =X
don`t laugh i DARE you !!

Larrie =D

Sis =X

a date with mommy at OU .
still sick ! but i have to go !!

call me panda gal X)


OU toilet ;)

Mommy & I

bought lingerie X) you don`t wanna know .. lol !
my mom bought this PJ but she can`t fit in ..
apa nii ? then she gave it to me loe ==||
so weird laa i wear =C

bought this new moisturizer since mine is going to finish .
Tanaka White =D not bad ;) i swear.

bought revision books . Have to finish it be4 the [[day]] come.

new shoes =D

wahahaa ~ Nintendo DS Lite .
don`t ask me why don`t buy PSP or DSi. urgh !

because it`s PINK .. butt brain !

and i love PINK ! u should know ..

miss me huh ?!
my bro`s 19th Bithday =D
we just celebrate it in the office ..
simple 1 .. he suggested .
went to San Terri for his cake .
I guess the name spelled like that ~"~
nice environment , nice cakes , nice ceiling lamp X)

happy birthday to you ~~
nice hair day too =X
went to school X)
so long never wear uniform ~
yaa .. now also .. always ponteng =X
Eng`s house opening party =D
GoldFish Eng remember? X)
I look super pale that day =(
actually .. everyday also pale -.-

my hp inside only got Xian & I de group pic -.-
others at Xuan`s camera ..
suan le bahh ~ hahaa ..

bout 11+ pm
so tired jor de loe .. but i still have lotsa fun ..
example ? whack ppl`s butt using Eng`s lil sis toy tool ..
hahahaa ~

Xuan & Xian sing K de X)

sexay back ~

idk when is it already .
when to work =)
try another style ..
classic yet punk .. =X so not me de hor ~

square boxes pants & shoes =D

in the car =D

shh .. silence . fake . unreal .

my effin sick face =X
don`t laugh i DARE you !!

Larrie =D

Sis =X

a date with mommy at OU .
still sick ! but i have to go !!

call me panda gal X)


OU toilet ;)

Mommy & I

bought lingerie X) you don`t wanna know .. lol !
my mom bought this PJ but she can`t fit in ..
apa nii ? then she gave it to me loe ==||
so weird laa i wear =C
bought this new moisturizer since mine is going to finish .
Tanaka White =D not bad ;) i swear.

bought revision books . Have to finish it be4 the [[day]] come.

new shoes =D

wahahaa ~ Nintendo DS Lite .
don`t ask me why don`t buy PSP or DSi. urgh !

because it`s PINK .. butt brain !

and i love PINK ! u should know ..

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