10 October 2010

BestSeller , BestCar

work "half day" only. LOL! 
went to look for Hubby for lunch (:
or you can say for dessert :P

going there is always traffic jam . = = 
that`s why I got time to camwhore in the car :D

He  Snowflake`s Bestseller -cold- , I  the -hot- one. :D

The only food they serve there ! "Shao Bing" I guess ? lol 
Super yummy, he said cause he order only :P
It`s a bit expensive to cost RM1.20 for the size of it . but if you like it , it doesn`t matter I guess ? 

I ordered TauFu Series with Pearl ,eat on spot but I think the reception heard wrongly & put it as takeaway. hehee~ lucky it`s in takeaway tupperware cause I can`t finish it =S

I takeaway this TauFu Series Peanut for my bro as his "birthday gift" but my mom nom nom it ! HAHAA~
It taste like ginseng to me , idk why :X
overall , the TauFu series is not bad (: BestSeller more. *teehee!*

Hubby went back in hurry after that . lol 
while I went for my hair cut !! & accompany my mom because she have to be in the saloon for don`t know how many hours = = 

don`t know how many KG she need to hold on for . @@ 

I love this poster so much ! everytime also staring at it because I want her hair :S

and And ANd AND 
My New Phone had just arrived earlier ! 
They said it need to wait for 1 month but I came 1 week later ! 
ahahahaaa~ so geng huh ! xD
yes. I bought E72 instead of BlackBerry :X

Observing new "Snow White" of mine :D
btw, you see my hair !! short jo a lot :X
 yawn ~ =X my sis  to shoot down my ugly moment =3=
♥ my Snow White more than my Ice Cream . eherm ~ lalalaaa~ 

Ohh ~ My mom`s filthy rich friend one day drove this car to fetch us for lunch ~ 
zomg ~ super duper huge car like those war vehicle =X 
hahahaa .. over exaggerate. paiseh ! 
But it`s super comfy to sit in it , of course loe ~ The higher the price, the better the quality right ? xD

me in Posche !!! :P 

porsche cayenne If I`m not wrong (: 
I love their no. too 
COOL right ?! xD
too bad it`s not living in my house pun . 

btw, wait for next post please ! :D  Snowflake is in the next post too ! HAHAHAA~ I`m crazy ! xD

ps : a day a message , time goes misses more . 10days . 1st time . I try my best to get use to it.


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