1stly, I have to shout out
we met since standard one ! :D i think - .-
hahaa .. she said so mah .. so it is loe ! hehee ~
cherish every moment i spent with this so poh !! she makes us laugh by seeing her talk cause she got lotsa reaction gehh xD
BIG REACTION i mean ~ :D
ily babe !!

I skipped my working hours and went to the Thailand`s monk rented home to pray :D
this is what i wish xD
and I will always or forever remember that place`s address cause ..

it`s my birthday date !~ 26 July :D teehee ~

freaking strong sunlight !!
OHH ..we went to my mom`s friend`s house too :D
the one i take picture her n my mom at the post be4 this gehh :)
and look how wealthy they are . !

Posche !~ no.1

Posche !~ no.2 - .- deng them ! LOL

and Mercedes !~ But I sit this car sit dou sien jorr >P wahahahaaa ~

my mom stole people`s 1 pot of flower xD
she says the flower very pretty wor .. pretty meh ==?
and last vain photo of mine :D

1stly, I have to shout out
we met since standard one ! :D i think - .-
hahaa .. she said so mah .. so it is loe ! hehee ~
cherish every moment i spent with this so poh !! she makes us laugh by seeing her talk cause she got lotsa reaction gehh xD
BIG REACTION i mean ~ :D
ily babe !!
I skipped my working hours and went to the Thailand`s monk rented home to pray :D
this is what i wish xD
and I will always or forever remember that place`s address cause ..
it`s my birthday date !~ 26 July :D teehee ~
freaking strong sunlight !!
OHH ..we went to my mom`s friend`s house too :D
the one i take picture her n my mom at the post be4 this gehh :)
and look how wealthy they are . !
Posche !~ no.1
Posche !~ no.2 - .- deng them ! LOL
and Mercedes !~ But I sit this car sit dou sien jorr >P wahahahaaa ~
my mom stole people`s 1 pot of flower xD
she says the flower very pretty wor .. pretty meh ==?
and last vain photo of mine :D
oh yeah .. good news people :D
1st is I got a new job :D :D hip! hip! hooray !~
i thought the boss won`t hire me de loe - .- thanks to Jason & Cheng Yee for their sweet mouth xD hahahaa ..
2nd is Merv went and pull off his problematic tooth already !! what a New Man !~ xD hahahaa .. guy like him may look strong on the outside, but then they are actually quite sissy in the inside :P hanya complain mulut sakit xD
and he reminds me of myself when i was 8 *iguessso*. i went to pull my teeth too ! but his is TOOTH , mine was TEETH ! :D 1+2+3+4-2 :D hahahaa .. I remember i woke up tasting blood in my mouth and it follow my saliva came out from my mouth automatically and i was lying in the patient`s room. very gelii !~ my mom sat beside me crying non stop @@! but horr .. that time i really felt so warm X) cause i knew that my parents love me so much they brought me to 1U with me sitting on the wheelchair and buy me Barbie Doll !! :D :D >P little girls love barbie doll de okay !~ but now idk what kids like .. old jor );
aiKs .. I can`t believe i just typed a part of my life with so many words - .- allaa ~ i seldom type that much in a paragraph mah xD i know there will be only 3/10 person will read it ! hahahaa ..
PS : good luck for the 2009 SPM candidates !! we BATUSS !!! X) *imeanROCKS!*
and my left eye effing pain today :(
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