ignore my title xD
yaa .. and this will be another super long post due to my laziness.
I organized a lil farewell yam cha party for my zai - Junior =D
He went to Australia jo loe ~
having high fever, gap luis at the beach, driving sport car, using Iphone ..
see .. his life is totally better when he`s at there xD
except for having high fever, maybe he doesn`t get used to the weather there.

had my last driving lesson. super ganjiong for the next day. EXAM!
In the afternoon, went to Sunway to pay a visit to my HoneyXuan :)

Alvin, Habe & I are kinda lost in Sunway =_=
like caveman saje xD lucky we sengmok gehh caveman LOL
when we found Xuan`s aunt restaurant , she just ran out and hug each of us.
I`m the 1st okay :P I`m oxygen-less *almost*
went in and have our lunch .
I order this . erm .. Honey Pork something Wan Tan Mee xD

I eatthis too ..
yaa .. very healthy . eat egg yolk xD
hahahahaa .. jk jk .it`s a Mango Pudding :D

ntg much . =D

and we capture our sexy back with "couple mode" lol ~
and I realise I didn`t take with Alvin :(
never tell me ! eshh ~
Habee ~

Honeys , Pooh`s fav xD

saw this baju at .. someshop =.= very forgetful nowadays.
If the shirt not with pooh`s body , I wouldn`t post this up xD
yaa .. take that! Habee xD

You can laugh al you want =_=

We bought gula-gula from Mini Toons =D

Look at my face expression and you know how those sweets taste like.
JK laa ~ I just take like 10 mins to chew 1 of them =_=
they finish theirs so fast! I guess they use swallow technique. X)

I look like am pregnant ! urgh ~ ==

The Habe Pose XD

credit by Habee .. yayaa ~ proud of yourself XD

then we went to .. .. er .. a place to sit and look at people ice skating. =D
I hate ice skating =_= it`s like night mare seeing people skate :(
I shout when someone going to fall down xD
then don`t dare to see jo -. -
Not ready yet laar !

this is better =D

scary people TOT

hahahahaa .. look at both of them xD so cun ~ LOL

this uncle so geng! I don`t know he wanna show out or .. .. ?

see! he can spin ! something glows around him =_= hmm ~

Alvin & Habee =)

what`s with his eyes ==

Honey Bee~

woo ~ Habee with his ohsosexay pose xD

after sending Xuan back to her aunt shop, we go back also loe =D
before that, I went and bought drink =) so thirsty !
this is erm .. Mango Delight == ?
got Mango, Passion fruit, Mango Yogurt and ICE ! xD

On the way back.

The kindhearted Alvin always willing to come and bring us everywhere =D

Blur shot. =_= whose skill har ? xD

O_O his pose xD

PoP it like It`s HOT.! hahaa .. lame --

Driving Exam !! So scaryy ~
My hands shivering when I was doing the slope ~"~
luckily I pass everything and now am officially a gal can drive legally =)
but I totally can`t drive safely =_= don`t ever ask me why .
then, went to 1U to meet up with my Bii & his friends . =D
had a splendid outing with them , all so 38. LOL
I most gua lui de laa that day :) talk less, listen more X)

idk since when this is my fav pose - .- hmm ~

My sis can type sambil swaying her hair . rofl~ xD

so hard wanna take picha with her UKNOW!!

It`s Habee `s BornDay !! weeee~
went to mamak to celebrate with him since everyone are going to be super busy the next day =(

Xuan & Alvin bought this cake . without candle!
so i had the lamest idea LOL
we use toothpicks instead of candle xD

making wishes .
allredstuff! allredstuff! X)

biting out toothpicks , so pity xD

feeding session =D aaaaaaaaaaaahmm!

call me evil X)

so long never take picha with my TianMier . so busy de =(

went back home after that =D
sorry for the super long post, i know i`msuper lazy TOT
yaa .. and this will be another super long post due to my laziness.
I organized a lil farewell yam cha party for my zai - Junior =D
He went to Australia jo loe ~
having high fever, gap luis at the beach, driving sport car, using Iphone ..
see .. his life is totally better when he`s at there xD
except for having high fever, maybe he doesn`t get used to the weather there.

had my last driving lesson. super ganjiong for the next day. EXAM!
In the afternoon, went to Sunway to pay a visit to my HoneyXuan :)
Alvin, Habe & I are kinda lost in Sunway =_=
like caveman saje xD lucky we sengmok gehh caveman LOL
when we found Xuan`s aunt restaurant , she just ran out and hug each of us.
I`m the 1st okay :P I`m oxygen-less *almost*
went in and have our lunch .
I order this . erm .. Honey Pork something Wan Tan Mee xD
I eatthis too ..
yaa .. very healthy . eat egg yolk xD
hahahahaa .. jk jk .it`s a Mango Pudding :D
ntg much . =D
and we capture our sexy back with "couple mode" lol ~
and I realise I didn`t take with Alvin :(
never tell me ! eshh ~
Habee ~
Honeys , Pooh`s fav xD
saw this baju at .. someshop =.= very forgetful nowadays.
If the shirt not with pooh`s body , I wouldn`t post this up xD
yaa .. take that! Habee xD
You can laugh al you want =_=
We bought gula-gula from Mini Toons =D
Look at my face expression and you know how those sweets taste like.
JK laa ~ I just take like 10 mins to chew 1 of them =_=
they finish theirs so fast! I guess they use swallow technique. X)
I look like am pregnant ! urgh ~ ==
The Habe Pose XD
credit by Habee .. yayaa ~ proud of yourself XD
then we went to .. .. er .. a place to sit and look at people ice skating. =D
I hate ice skating =_= it`s like night mare seeing people skate :(
I shout when someone going to fall down xD
then don`t dare to see jo -. -
Not ready yet laar !
this is better =D
scary people TOT
hahahahaa .. look at both of them xD so cun ~ LOL
this uncle so geng! I don`t know he wanna show out or .. .. ?
see! he can spin ! something glows around him =_= hmm ~
Alvin & Habee =)
what`s with his eyes ==
Honey Bee~
woo ~ Habee with his ohsosexay pose xD
after sending Xuan back to her aunt shop, we go back also loe =D
before that, I went and bought drink =) so thirsty !
this is erm .. Mango Delight == ?
got Mango, Passion fruit, Mango Yogurt and ICE ! xD
On the way back.
The kindhearted Alvin always willing to come and bring us everywhere =D
Blur shot. =_= whose skill har ? xD
O_O his pose xD
PoP it like It`s HOT.! hahaa .. lame --
Driving Exam !! So scaryy ~
My hands shivering when I was doing the slope ~"~
luckily I pass everything and now am officially a gal can drive legally =)
but I totally can`t drive safely =_= don`t ever ask me why .
then, went to 1U to meet up with my Bii & his friends . =D
had a splendid outing with them , all so 38. LOL
I most gua lui de laa that day :) talk less, listen more X)
idk since when this is my fav pose - .- hmm ~
My sis can type sambil swaying her hair . rofl~ xD
so hard wanna take picha with her UKNOW!!
It`s Habee `s BornDay !! weeee~
went to mamak to celebrate with him since everyone are going to be super busy the next day =(
Xuan & Alvin bought this cake . without candle!
so i had the lamest idea LOL
we use toothpicks instead of candle xD
making wishes .
allredstuff! allredstuff! X)
biting out toothpicks , so pity xD
feeding session =D aaaaaaaaaaaahmm!
call me evil X)
so long never take picha with my TianMier . so busy de =(
went back home after that =D
sorry for the super long post, i know i`msuper lazy TOT
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