er .. my title - .- simply type de =D
went to 1U like again ? xD
Xuan & I ajak Thong together de loe .. cause ..
we don`t have transport - .-
I promise him help him choose baju summore xD
but end up I macam didn`t do anything =X
our main purpose to there is to watch the ShowDown 2010 !!
but hor .. =_= not nice to watch =X so HOT summore !! roarr ~
then we change our main purpose to buy presentS for the Feb babes & of course my Habe belated gift XD OHH ! and sing K =D weee ~
before headed there .

OMG .. today traffic jam outside 1U =_=
Those guards block the way to the New Wing `s parking lo ..
I think they wanna let those who participate for the ShowDown enter only .. hmm ~
taking photo of the Choi Shan Meow X)
why not Tiger de? weird~

=D Leng Dao !! I mean their mole X)
hahahahahaa ..

I only see 2 team perform lo .. Damn Hot == I can`t stand it ..
The Malay Gals crew ..
hmm .. I got no comment for their performance =X
you know i know laa ~

Wakaka Fever =D
the Judge loves them i guess .. hehee~

2pm *not the korean 2pm* ==
went to Warehouse look for Choco to lunch .. =)
i mm sok with her gehh xD wanna act friend mah xP
we went to LamMeeYa xD
so weird loe the name ..

you see .. Drinks also I take xD
wanna post blog and recommend it mah =D

the sisters ;)

The Royal Milk Tea =D don`t know what`s the diff with Milk Tea =.=
next time try their normal gehh =D

Mushroom with Minced Meat Cheong Fun =D
I type wrong in the photo =X the word minned ^^"
not bad 1 xia loe .. but ah Thong recommend the LamMee more xD
their best sell mah ;)

testing testing 1 2 3
xD test my camera .. :P

as usual, camwhore in tandas is always the best :D
I think I have to cut my fringe again - .-
once every 2 weeks .. so dumb laa .. grow so fast !

Hahahaa .. look at my happy face X)
I seriously enjoy touching the furr .. weee ~

got Lion dance =D Thong say everytime got lion dance, the place around sure crowded.
and he`s right ~"~ we go up n down the escalator just to take the photo of the lions xD
so siao ! i know .. xD

went to sing k after bought all the EXPENSIVE presents !! appreciate it aer you guys !!
I did the craziest and dumb accident in the Neway room - .-
fucking embarrassing xD
lucky one is my zhi mui, one is my ex - .-
so i don`t really mind =D if they don`t mind me =X

Crazy pose start from here =D

He loves her, She loves another her !
and we stunt =O

forget to put my Neway *heart* at the photo !!
who cares o .o

people taking photo with Thong de mah ..
sui Honey snatch him away -.- roarr !!

Xuan & I bought Big Apple for our fmaily =D
guaii lui dou X)

err .. I bought for myself also laa =X

=D so yummy loe !!

Don`t look at me .. lalalaa ~

This is my Habe`s gift . I hope he likes & don`t mind it =X

This is the brand we bought for Xian`s X)

got Alvynn`s but at Xuan there so I no take diok the photo =X
Xuan get this from Triple Crown because she bought 2 presents ..
eherm eherm ~ =X

So freaking tired & my throat have to ''baoyang'' already.
sing like siao today . and I love it ! HAH
went to 1U like again ? xD
Xuan & I ajak Thong together de loe .. cause ..
we don`t have transport - .-
I promise him help him choose baju summore xD
but end up I macam didn`t do anything =X
our main purpose to there is to watch the ShowDown 2010 !!
but hor .. =_= not nice to watch =X so HOT summore !! roarr ~
then we change our main purpose to buy presentS for the Feb babes & of course my Habe belated gift XD OHH ! and sing K =D weee ~
before headed there .
OMG .. today traffic jam outside 1U =_=
Those guards block the way to the New Wing `s parking lo ..
I think they wanna let those who participate for the ShowDown enter only .. hmm ~
taking photo of the Choi Shan Meow X)
why not Tiger de? weird~

=D Leng Dao !! I mean their mole X)
hahahahahaa ..
I only see 2 team perform lo .. Damn Hot == I can`t stand it ..
The Malay Gals crew ..
hmm .. I got no comment for their performance =X
you know i know laa ~
Wakaka Fever =D
the Judge loves them i guess .. hehee~
2pm *not the korean 2pm* ==
went to Warehouse look for Choco to lunch .. =)
i mm sok with her gehh xD wanna act friend mah xP
we went to LamMeeYa xD
so weird loe the name ..
you see .. Drinks also I take xD
wanna post blog and recommend it mah =D

the sisters ;)
The Royal Milk Tea =D don`t know what`s the diff with Milk Tea =.=
next time try their normal gehh =D
Mushroom with Minced Meat Cheong Fun =D
I type wrong in the photo =X the word minned ^^"
not bad 1 xia loe .. but ah Thong recommend the LamMee more xD
their best sell mah ;)
testing testing 1 2 3
xD test my camera .. :P

as usual, camwhore in tandas is always the best :D
I think I have to cut my fringe again - .-
once every 2 weeks .. so dumb laa .. grow so fast !
Hahahaa .. look at my happy face X)
I seriously enjoy touching the furr .. weee ~
got Lion dance =D Thong say everytime got lion dance, the place around sure crowded.
and he`s right ~"~ we go up n down the escalator just to take the photo of the lions xD
so siao ! i know .. xD
went to sing k after bought all the EXPENSIVE presents !! appreciate it aer you guys !!
I did the craziest and dumb accident in the Neway room - .-
fucking embarrassing xD
lucky one is my zhi mui, one is my ex - .-
so i don`t really mind =D if they don`t mind me =X
Crazy pose start from here =D
He loves her, She loves another her !
and we stunt =O
forget to put my Neway *heart* at the photo !!
who cares o .o
people taking photo with Thong de mah ..
sui Honey snatch him away -.- roarr !!

Xuan & I bought Big Apple for our fmaily =D
guaii lui dou X)
err .. I bought for myself also laa =X
=D so yummy loe !!
Don`t look at me .. lalalaa ~
This is my Habe`s gift . I hope he likes & don`t mind it =X
This is the brand we bought for Xian`s X)
got Alvynn`s but at Xuan there so I no take diok the photo =X
Xuan get this from Triple Crown because she bought 2 presents ..
eherm eherm ~ =X

So freaking tired & my throat have to ''baoyang'' already.
sing like siao today . and I love it ! HAH
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