OMG .. How can I survive next month ?!
my must-buy list is full of things I must buy & wanna buy =_=
yooor .. why mommy gimme so lil salary ..
always say i`m not doing anything =________=
the fact is I do things fast mah ..
People do half an hour , I do 20 minute only ..
you want me how jek ~"~
aihh ..
fucked up life .. zzz
damn boh mood now ..
argue for what? It`s not like I can control everything I want ..
we can end things with happy ending but why still people trying to emphasizing it repeat repeat and repeat .. zzz
I don`t know what in my mind ..
It`s like your fault at the starting when we argue ..
It sounds like you start this fight
but it`s not our problem, why the fuck wanna debate all these ..
"i just wanna tell you only"
one time not enough meh ?
zzz .. This keep popping out in my mind ..
and now , my brain keep repeating
"maybe it`s your fault now"
w t f ? what am I thinking ?!
I can`t come to a conclusion bout this problem laa - .-
aihh .. maybe sometimes not everything have to has a conclusion , there`s no their nor your fault .. maybe it`s just me thinking too much ..
maybe i`m just overreacting .
i know you told me all these because you care for me .. but sometimes my brain turn too slow. I understand what u wanna said n do in another few seconds .. I`m sorry. I`m so retarded. urgh !
I admit laa I`m LuLu .. yooor =_=
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