Happy Birthday lae WanS
sei Old Man don`t bully me liao lae =)
If not .. ngek ngek* I tell HaHa .. whack sei you XD

people don`t like to see me taking leng leng de pics gehh ..
say doesn`t look like me wor =(
the sunlight effect mahh .. you want me how jekk !
aihh .. so i decided to take some so poh pics =_=
So Poh No.1

So Poh No.2 =___=

So Poh No.3 ... -.-

enough so poh and real ME bohh .. @"@
After SS-ing in my house , I waited for Merv bro to come ..
he come , i stop SS =D later sure let him zat one ..
Didn`t take photo with many many super many people loe !!
cause i very shy mah :$
Am telling the truth! wear contact lens make me so shy de lae .. eee =C
Take many many photo with Xian =D
not many lae .. some some lae =_=
macam JOYI horr !!! aiyoweiiyaaaa ~

Shot No.2

Shot No.3

Xian claimed that her eyes so small .. then I decided to make my eyes smaller =)

but i didn`t know that my eyes will be this small xD
my friend say ''langsung x ader mata laa'' LOL
Ah Eng like to bully Xiao Mei Mei .. then the Orange shirt boy boy -- Wan`s bro (Wan Hao) try to rescue her from Mr.Goldfish xD

I had no Idea what they are doing @"@

The Guyss .. so shy de , don`t dare to look at US ! xP

Pey Horng & .. Xiao Mei Mei @@?

I Elain

I Pey Horng

Everyone take photo .. so I take also lae =D

Alvin trying to kao this lil cutie xD
but FAILED . =X

Hong Wang .. He ate the most that night xD

I Mr. Goldfish

I Mr. Great Eater

I Xian

Xian WanHao

I MissCutie

shhh .. =X don`t tell Wans I took this photo ...
He don`t allow de lae ..

After went back home ..
very tired @"@

YET , O.

Nights !~
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