Happy Belated to LinG
*said my blog*
celebrate my birthday on 25/07
have a lots of tears , joyfulness , craziness , stupidities ~
will update photos later, later & later ~
just wanna dedicate my thankfulness to SOME many people ..
- my family
aihh .. although all of them hav to be scolded only move ..
but still .. thanks lae ~ whatever =_=
I have to really thanks my mommy .. cause she helped me to heat up my party *_^
- Xian, Elain, Pei
Xian payed lotsa afford for my party which i DAMN appreciate .. She bought food & prepare it as well as her mommy =D and Elain & Pei helped her out ..
- Xuan, Ning, Genee, Jason, Eng, Joo, Harn, Xander, Alvin, MangoHoe, Hong Wang, Junior, Jias, Merv
thanks for attending my party .. sorry if it`s bored you out =C
Yi Ynn
Wai Hoe
Ye Han(Bestari Pal)
Princesx (HS5 friend) *meii
Yelyn (Cousin)
Wee Jian (BSD1)
Siang Yee (Tren besties)
Jia Jun ( Jias`s bro) *tou daiss
Wai Hoong (what-a-suprise)
Kim Eng
Mun Theng (Niece) *young me 1 year only =C
Ben (ex Dance teacher)
Brennan (ex Dance comp teacher)
Akuyo (HS5) *kukuyoo XD
Yong Onn *Onn Onn
Peggy * long relationship friend xD
James (never-attend-my-party!)
XaXao *my-oh-so-game-darl .. LOL
Wenya (HS5) *my leng loi sarawak bestie
Dante (alwasy make me on fire)
unknown *idk siapa tuu
Yee Lin *my leng loii meii
Ken Wai *my ah zaii
Xiao Uncle (Meetoto) sounds like ''huang jing lun''
NyaNya (theonemakememadonlysendmewishes) *sistaa
Wei Wei
thanks for sending me sms wishes =)
WanJie *my-so-called-ex
the only wish me through MSN .. HAHAHAA =__=||
Samantha Sau (my zaii`s sis)
Summary Lim (primary schoolmate)
Tick Tick
Yee Kang
Irynn Eng ( Ning`s bf sis)
Kong Chun Yeep (my senior)
wishes from facebook
i really felt thankful from all of them above .. I hope i didn`t miss anyone out .
ps: i never thought some of my best best buddies would ever forgotten my 26/07 ..
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