HooHooo ~ so long never update my blog loe
grow dust jor tim X)
but who care .. no one wanna read my blog also de lae .. =_=||
so .. what happen recently ~
I went to Penang on my holiday which suck a lot #.#
and get back my exam result .. i failed some sub which i expected XD
i tell u !! i tell u !! each paper i did sure got careless mistake .. aihh ~
for example :
1st. Science - i choose AIDS is caused by mosquito .. =_=
2nd. Maths - i skipped a question which score 8 marks ! cause i didn`t know have to do XD
3rd. BM - kesalahan ejaan/bahasa question .. in stead of oleh sebab , i write olah kerana .. LOL.
you see.. you see.. =_= but lucky i passed lae ~~
and .. the way i speak is so weird ~ my brain got problem lae xD
for example :
I elain
elain, we have to take off our pants when do this exercise ..
huh ?!?!
OHH !! nononooo .. we have to take off our socks lae ! ^^"
what the =_= *u see .. she pissed xD
OMG .. i mean shoes ! shoes !! sorry @"@
I xian
Xian, later before KoKo Pei & I go canteen change our clothes aer ..
harr ?!?! canteen change clothes ??!!
OHH !! nonooo .. go toilet change .. paiseh @"@
hahahaaa ~
you see .. so embarassing .. lucky they`re my close friends .. xD

chatted with Joe yesterday ..
I`m sorry cause my mic wasn`t working well .. so SUCK =__=
and his mic doesn`t work so well too ..
talk half then no voice xD somemore blame me =_=
Joe`s testing his mic xxD

when he know it`s not working .. he point this to me .. so RUDE hor ..

Lastly, before he went to bed .. we say bye xxxD
retard gilaaa ~

grow dust jor tim X)
but who care .. no one wanna read my blog also de lae .. =_=||
so .. what happen recently ~
I went to Penang on my holiday which suck a lot #.#
and get back my exam result .. i failed some sub which i expected XD
i tell u !! i tell u !! each paper i did sure got careless mistake .. aihh ~
for example :
1st. Science - i choose AIDS is caused by mosquito .. =_=
2nd. Maths - i skipped a question which score 8 marks ! cause i didn`t know have to do XD
3rd. BM - kesalahan ejaan/bahasa question .. in stead of oleh sebab , i write olah kerana .. LOL.
you see.. you see.. =_= but lucky i passed lae ~~
and .. the way i speak is so weird ~ my brain got problem lae xD
for example :
I elain
elain, we have to take off our pants when do this exercise ..
huh ?!?!
OHH !! nononooo .. we have to take off our socks lae ! ^^"
what the =_= *u see .. she pissed xD
OMG .. i mean shoes ! shoes !! sorry @"@
I xian
Xian, later before KoKo Pei & I go canteen change our clothes aer ..
harr ?!?! canteen change clothes ??!!
OHH !! nonooo .. go toilet change .. paiseh @"@
hahahaaa ~
you see .. so embarassing .. lucky they`re my close friends .. xD

chatted with Joe yesterday ..
I`m sorry cause my mic wasn`t working well .. so SUCK =__=
and his mic doesn`t work so well too ..
talk half then no voice xD somemore blame me =_=
Joe`s testing his mic xxD

when he know it`s not working .. he point this to me .. so RUDE hor ..

Lastly, before he went to bed .. we say bye xxxD
retard gilaaa ~

go canteen change clothes arhx??
next time show me arhx~!gg
hahaa .. say wrong liao de lae that time xD paiseh lae @"@
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