HaHaa .. I edited this. =)
My Memories ~ Lalalaa ~

Went out with my family yesterday. =)
We watched BOLT !! Wooo ~ But not 3D =(
Wanna watch again with 3D gehh =D hahaa ..
Nice & Funny movie .. i LOVE Rhino !! so CUTE ! xD
Everyone laugh like crazy man . Most of them is the parents . My mom laugh lagi geng than my sis & I == haha .. she enjoyed !!
Ohh . I can`t believe Miley Cyrus is Penny voice actress X.X
My sis .. She don`t want people to saw her ANGEL look ==

1. My mom want ''cheong gang'' but failed xP
2. I bought Queen`s album ~
3. I bought her album too xD
4.Cheese with the tree-cat. cat-tree. X.X

Legss ..

Mom & I . I look so cacat ~"~

My sis . Still the same .. Always EMO because neither my mom nor I wanna buy Mr.Midnight for her . X[

My mom keep call me to take pic with the Christmas tree .
A dude smoking keep looking at me . so Paiseh.@@

We bought these. =)

My Sis`s

Mine. Finally I had a pair of shoes ==

Ohh ~
Accident happened this afternoon in MiniToons . =(
I bought a cup of Milk tea .. Then i wanna put it in the plastic bag but it accidentally slipped from my hand. IDK whether i slipped it or it slipped itself . @"@ Then my mom keep scold me and she keep say sorry to the worker. Then she keep ask me just now want take what thing and see == i say no for 3 times but repeat the question . Then i say sorry to the worker once then i straight walk to the toilet . Really spoiled my day. sucks de loe .. esh esh !
My Memories ~ Lalalaa ~

Went out with my family yesterday. =)
We watched BOLT !! Wooo ~ But not 3D =(
Wanna watch again with 3D gehh =D hahaa ..
Nice & Funny movie .. i LOVE Rhino !! so CUTE ! xD
Everyone laugh like crazy man . Most of them is the parents . My mom laugh lagi geng than my sis & I == haha .. she enjoyed !!
Ohh . I can`t believe Miley Cyrus is Penny voice actress X.X
My sis .. She don`t want people to saw her ANGEL look ==
1. My mom want ''cheong gang'' but failed xP
2. I bought Queen`s album ~
3. I bought her album too xD
4.Cheese with the tree-cat. cat-tree. X.X

Legss ..
Mom & I . I look so cacat ~"~
My sis . Still the same .. Always EMO because neither my mom nor I wanna buy Mr.Midnight for her . X[
My mom keep call me to take pic with the Christmas tree .
A dude smoking keep looking at me . so Paiseh.@@

We bought these. =)

My Sis`s

Mine. Finally I had a pair of shoes ==

Ohh ~
Accident happened this afternoon in MiniToons . =(
I bought a cup of Milk tea .. Then i wanna put it in the plastic bag but it accidentally slipped from my hand. IDK whether i slipped it or it slipped itself . @"@ Then my mom keep scold me and she keep say sorry to the worker. Then she keep ask me just now want take what thing and see == i say no for 3 times but repeat the question . Then i say sorry to the worker once then i straight walk to the toilet . Really spoiled my day. sucks de loe .. esh esh !
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