30 December 2008
27 December 2008
I am just pretending to be a nobody in every somebody`s eyes ..
some of you guys didn`t even bother to reply ..
At least a ''Hii'' won`t hurt anyone right ?
I just thought of it ..
But I guess I really am one .Every time I tried so hard to talk to someone ..
They just don`t seems to replying me ..
What did I done ? They just don`t seems to replying me ..
Is it I doesn`t look attractive
That`s why you guys dont like to talk to me ?
Whenever i said ''hii'' , That`s why you guys dont like to talk to me ?
some of you guys didn`t even bother to reply ..
At least a ''Hii'' won`t hurt anyone right ?
I`m just afraid of loneliness ..
25 December 2008
Sad Christmas
lalalaa ~ put shuang X]

Since it`s Christmas so I wore a WHITE shirt also =]

Can`t go out because I`m sick =(
So I just celebrate in my house ..
I Guess tomorrow going to get fever = =||
Me with De-Li-Cious Prawn X)
I look sick =(

My new PINK clock !! X)

Then my pretty mommy .. =)


Woo Woo Woo ~
Don`t see this if u`re afraid of blood =)
I like this pic XXX]
Since it`s Christmas so I wore a WHITE shirt also =]
Can`t go out because I`m sick =(
So I just celebrate in my house ..
I Guess tomorrow going to get fever = =||
Me with De-Li-Cious Prawn X)
I look sick =(
My new PINK clock !! X)
Then my pretty mommy .. =)
Woo Woo Woo ~
Don`t see this if u`re afraid of blood =)
I like this pic XXX]

1) Sesiapa yg kena tag,tulis 10 perkara berkenaan dengan org yg mengetag anda :)
~a sweet gal named Sakinah .
~my bestest friend among all the malays ..
~love Korean POP starss
~very clever
~she`s superb friendly !
~like to gossip bout celeb .. X]
~likes Big Bang
~love KEY a lotss
~love to read novel
2)Org yg ditagged kena tulis pasal diri dia :)
~Ling / Pong Pond
~26th July 1992
~like to gap leng zai & leng lui ..~
~love to dance
~love to sing
~good listener *i think i am X)
~love winnie the pooh and his friendss =D
~love MAIZ & otherss ..
24 December 2008
*sigh . I`m going to pass my Christmas with my MOM .. zzz
Actually got lotsa lotsa plans .. but ~ HAIHZZZ ..
So, I ended up candle night-ing with my MOM .
*hope the plan change .. blerk xP*
Actually got lotsa lotsa plans .. but ~ HAIHZZZ ..
1. plan to go out with classmate .. FAILED . because .. very complaicated . X(
2. been invited to Tren`s countdown Christmas Prom night .. FAILED . *boh transport back X(
3. go out with zhi muiss .. FAILED . Ning got work, Xuan wanna go out with her ang & Xian .. er .. lol?
4. go to my relative house exchange gift and sing K .. FAILED . My MOM want me to be with her ..
2. been invited to Tren`s countdown Christmas Prom night .. FAILED . *boh transport back X(
3. go out with zhi muiss .. FAILED . Ning got work, Xuan wanna go out with her ang & Xian .. er .. lol?
4. go to my relative house exchange gift and sing K .. FAILED . My MOM want me to be with her ..
So, I ended up candle night-ing with my MOM .
*hope the plan change .. blerk xP*
21 December 2008
Tagged By Xuan & Kyvern meii C=
*1. Those who get tagged must answer the question about themselves.
*2. At the end of the post, tag 10 people except the person who tagged you (tagger).
*3. Continue this game by sending to other people. (refer to rule No. 2)
Time: 6:49pm
Name: Lim Chutipond
Age/Birthday: 16 , going to be 17 soon =)
School: SMK BSD(2)
Elder Sister: eggs .
Younger Sister: one with cool attitude ==
Elder Brother: one with bad temper =)
Younger Brother: eggs
Favourite Liquids [Drinks]: ermm .. apple juice xD
Favourite Consumables [Food]: wooo ~ anything ! don`t so hard to bite then can liao ^^"
Favourite Place To Sleep: My mom`s bed xD
Flying: wings !
Swimming/Diving: swimming...
How Many Friends In MSN:153 human beings =)
Couple: before counted ?
Loved Ones: human beings i love ..
Get Kicked On The Butt?: my dog .. erm ~
Allergic?: Skin allergic .
Gastric?: Seldom .
Whole Fortune?: Nope
Age Of Marriage: erm .. 40 ? 50 ? 60 ? 70 !! = =
Children Wanted: maybe 1 or 2 =) not muchh ..
Age Of Death: 65-80 .. xixii ~
Animals In House: woof woof ..
Longest Fingernail Ever Kept: hahahaaa .. i don`t have the patient to keep it long =)
Wanted Birthday Present: lots and lots of money .. xD
Q: In your dream, God tells you you are a billionaire in your dream world and gives you a wish. What would you wish for?
A: the world won`t doom .. =) don`t die earth T.T
10 ppl to tag
ah A
ah B
ah C
ah D
ah E
ah F
ah G
ah H
ah I
ah J
*2. At the end of the post, tag 10 people except the person who tagged you (tagger).
*3. Continue this game by sending to other people. (refer to rule No. 2)
Time: 6:49pm
Name: Lim Chutipond
Age/Birthday: 16 , going to be 17 soon =)
School: SMK BSD(2)
Elder Sister: eggs .
Younger Sister: one with cool attitude ==
Elder Brother: one with bad temper =)
Younger Brother: eggs
Favourite Liquids [Drinks]: ermm .. apple juice xD
Favourite Consumables [Food]: wooo ~ anything ! don`t so hard to bite then can liao ^^"
Favourite Place To Sleep: My mom`s bed xD
Flying: wings !
Swimming/Diving: swimming...
How Many Friends In MSN:153 human beings =)
Couple: before counted ?
Loved Ones: human beings i love ..
Get Kicked On The Butt?: my dog .. erm ~
Allergic?: Skin allergic .
Gastric?: Seldom .
Whole Fortune?: Nope
Age Of Marriage: erm .. 40 ? 50 ? 60 ? 70 !! = =
Children Wanted: maybe 1 or 2 =) not muchh ..
Age Of Death: 65-80 .. xixii ~
Animals In House: woof woof ..
Longest Fingernail Ever Kept: hahahaaa .. i don`t have the patient to keep it long =)
Wanted Birthday Present: lots and lots of money .. xD
Q: In your dream, God tells you you are a billionaire in your dream world and gives you a wish. What would you wish for?
A: the world won`t doom .. =) don`t die earth T.T
10 ppl to tag
ah A
ah B
ah C
ah D
ah E
ah F
ah G
ah H
ah I
ah J
Christmas Coming !
Christmas coming loe .. wish everyone MERRY CHRISTMAS !!
*sigh .. no snow =(
shui bian lae .. M`sia won`t fall snow de lae .. fall ice got lae = =
Just now help my mommy make ''tang yuan'' C=
love to eat laee .. xixii .. got food i sure love gehh xD
have to get prepare for tomorrow big feast ..
kekexx ..
I`m ready I`m ready ~

take shuang xD
I went Tesco before that .
I bought this !!
hahaaa .. very childish lae .. xP i like mahh .. blerk !
My mommy don`t let me buy the blanket ..
If not can 1 set gehh .. =(
19 December 2008
Wee Wang Wangg ~ Whee Whang Whangg ~
xD paiseh .. don`t know how to start this post
Due to the ''wee wang wang'' you should know I`m happy today C= good new hors ..
today got training loe .. Almost 2 weeks boh training jorr ..
IDK why everytime i step into the lift, for sure i will felt very nervous .. =C bad news hor ..
very very scare & nervous == but when i go in .. The atmosphere changed .
My group member all very nice de loe =)
Always come talk to me when see I`m alone .. LOL
I pendiam mah xP don`t know want talk what gehh ..
Our training start late le because only 4 people were there when the clock strike 2 sharp .
Even it`s not 2 sharp already, there`s still 4 of us == so lao peh .. no teamwork ~"~
2 50 Xiao Xii reach loee !! Bennie erm .. a bit naik marah then call us start practice . *pa si wo*
I won`t teach those who late without an acceptable reason.~ She said ..
Wahh ! I don`t dare to be late next time ==
Don`t want say what happen lae =)
Not good say people xP
HaHaaHaa ~ Got 1 part hor .. I diambil oleh Xiao Xii lae .. Then everyone like welcoming me == The feel very .. awkward ? yaa .. so weird lae ~"~ *kong bu kong bu*
We play diok very high .. xD cause got freestyle then everyone simply do .. X.X
After everything , we sat & gathered on the papan floor to ''keng sam si'' xD
I know my own problem loe ~"~ I`ll improve it de !! Promise everyone =)
I`m love my team more & more loee !! Love sei you all xxD
Especially Bennie & >> AhBu << == want vomit xD
Bennie`s a good teacher although she`s quite straight & fierce
But I know she want us to be more & more perfect C=*
So we must add oil !! chong chong chong !
5++ pm I wait my bro in the HSBC .. sui bro call him 5 come also boh come #.#
Then I stand there like so poh wait lae .. There`s a guy hor !!!! Very sampat de ==
Like keep gap people (me) I think lae .. Or maybe I too Perasan xD
Then i keep walk here and there loe .. I scare he walk towards me & talk to me == I sure 55 siam xD
I met with Siang Yee & Ynn 2 times while I`m waiting .. xD
So Poh Siang Yee always GAP my blog de worr .. Never leave comment also gehh ..
Sui Poh xxP
This Post kinda 'cheong hei'' because someone call me write many many things .. xD
anorh ! you loe . YOU aer !! YOUUUU !! Siang Yee =X
hahahaaa .. blerk .
Tired seii .. chiaoz 1st ! C=
xD paiseh .. don`t know how to start this post
Due to the ''wee wang wang'' you should know I`m happy today C= good new hors ..
today got training loe .. Almost 2 weeks boh training jorr ..
IDK why everytime i step into the lift, for sure i will felt very nervous .. =C bad news hor ..
very very scare & nervous == but when i go in .. The atmosphere changed .
My group member all very nice de loe =)
Always come talk to me when see I`m alone .. LOL
I pendiam mah xP don`t know want talk what gehh ..
Our training start late le because only 4 people were there when the clock strike 2 sharp .
Even it`s not 2 sharp already, there`s still 4 of us == so lao peh .. no teamwork ~"~
2 50 Xiao Xii reach loee !! Bennie erm .. a bit naik marah then call us start practice . *pa si wo*
I won`t teach those who late without an acceptable reason.~ She said ..
Wahh ! I don`t dare to be late next time ==
Don`t want say what happen lae =)
Not good say people xP
HaHaaHaa ~ Got 1 part hor .. I diambil oleh Xiao Xii lae .. Then everyone like welcoming me == The feel very .. awkward ? yaa .. so weird lae ~"~ *kong bu kong bu*
We play diok very high .. xD cause got freestyle then everyone simply do .. X.X
After everything , we sat & gathered on the papan floor to ''keng sam si'' xD
I know my own problem loe ~"~ I`ll improve it de !! Promise everyone =)
I`m love my team more & more loee !! Love sei you all xxD
Especially Bennie & >> AhBu << == want vomit xD
Bennie`s a good teacher although she`s quite straight & fierce
But I know she want us to be more & more perfect C=*
So we must add oil !! chong chong chong !
5++ pm I wait my bro in the HSBC .. sui bro call him 5 come also boh come #.#
Then I stand there like so poh wait lae .. There`s a guy hor !!!! Very sampat de ==
Like keep gap people (me) I think lae .. Or maybe I too Perasan xD
Then i keep walk here and there loe .. I scare he walk towards me & talk to me == I sure 55 siam xD
I met with Siang Yee & Ynn 2 times while I`m waiting .. xD
So Poh Siang Yee always GAP my blog de worr .. Never leave comment also gehh ..
Sui Poh xxP
This Post kinda 'cheong hei'' because someone call me write many many things .. xD
anorh ! you loe . YOU aer !! YOUUUU !! Siang Yee =X
hahahaaa .. blerk .
Tired seii .. chiaoz 1st ! C=
17 December 2008
dance like there`s no tomorrow ~~~
and we`re LATE again ..
nevermind lae .. dah biasa .. haha !
sampat ==
Change song liao wor ..
Rihanna -- Push Up On You .
hav to do BRIDGE lae !!
but the steps very yeng =D
and and .. Brennan and Ben together teach de loe ==
Ben Ben like not feeling well .. ermmm ~
After class .. I was searching for someone _____ Keith !
hahahaa .. Don`t really recognise him ~"~
Until he waved at me then i was like O__O ! OHH .. *wave back
LOL .. so lame @"@
Have to improve my bridge !
Gah Yao aer ~ !!
dance like there`s no tomorrow ~~~
and we`re LATE again ..

nevermind lae .. dah biasa .. haha !
sampat ==
Change song liao wor ..
Rihanna -- Push Up On You .
hav to do BRIDGE lae !!
but the steps very yeng =D
and and .. Brennan and Ben together teach de loe ==
Ben Ben like not feeling well .. ermmm ~
After class .. I was searching for someone _____ Keith !
hahahaa .. Don`t really recognise him ~"~
Until he waved at me then i was like O__O ! OHH .. *wave back
LOL .. so lame @"@
Have to improve my bridge !
Gah Yao aer ~ !!
*ps : Ynn , got bridge in the dance steps lae .. not siao de lae xD
14 December 2008
I`m finding my right key too ..
No one understand me .. ?
I wouldn`t let anyone to understand me .. ?
I had no idea ..
It seems like it`s a hard job for me to communicate with others ..
I have a weird attitude ? don`t like to talk ? lan c ? straightforward ?
Is it that really weird .. ?
Why can`t i step out from this circle ?
How can I step out of it ?
Too many question in my mind ..
Why ?
How ?
What ?
Who ?
When ?
13 December 2008
Since like my Photography Skill getting worse =C
So ''Cha Shui'' aer those pic i took ==
Here`s some A BIT different de pics xxxD
IDK got different or not lae .. Just post loe ^^"
Short Hair !? O____O

I wanna act like Alvin`s ''GF'' but failed.
Cause I got Mouth , Nose & Eyes mah =D
She don`t have xxxD

Cacat eyes == ||


Nahh .. Don`t Know got different or not ^^"
So ''Cha Shui'' aer those pic i took ==
Here`s some A BIT different de pics xxxD
IDK got different or not lae .. Just post loe ^^"
Short Hair !? O____O
I wanna act like Alvin`s ''GF'' but failed.
Cause I got Mouth , Nose & Eyes mah =D
She don`t have xxxD
Cacat eyes == ||
Nahh .. Don`t Know got different or not ^^"
12 December 2008
New Me C=
I change hairstyle luu ~
Satisfied with it =D
Felt so refreshing after walked out from that saloon xD
1st time i go saloon alone =C
hahahaaa .. Also nothing gehh .
Just those stylist keep ask me why my mom not with me ..
I have to learn to be INDEPENDENT de mah !! Like YOU meh .. esh esh xP
New Look, Old Me __ BLUR.

Last time gehh Ling =)

Now gehh Ling C=

Paiseh lae .. Maybe got no different xxD
In pics only !! In real , Quite big different de loe +)
My bro went to Genting loe ~
Before they depart, some of them in myhouse , some of them go erm .. CC ?
Then i go 'Gap' their bag loe .. OMG !
So cute lae this bag xD Yeng sei .. 55 take pic xxD
Durian Bag !!

Yesterday very moody .. Cause .. Maybe I think too much .. No one is Perfect .
Thanks to Mervin, The Moo Moo say some rubbish to me xxD
I`m cheer up again C=
I draw when I`m moody ..
And I can`t stop thinking bout that dream .. == Idiot . !

Satisfied with it =D
Felt so refreshing after walked out from that saloon xD
1st time i go saloon alone =C
hahahaaa .. Also nothing gehh .
Just those stylist keep ask me why my mom not with me ..
I have to learn to be INDEPENDENT de mah !! Like YOU meh .. esh esh xP
New Look, Old Me __ BLUR.
Last time gehh Ling =)

Now gehh Ling C=

Paiseh lae .. Maybe got no different xxD
In pics only !! In real , Quite big different de loe +)
My bro went to Genting loe ~
Before they depart, some of them in myhouse , some of them go erm .. CC ?
Then i go 'Gap' their bag loe .. OMG !
So cute lae this bag xD Yeng sei .. 55 take pic xxD
Durian Bag !!
Yesterday very moody .. Cause .. Maybe I think too much .. No one is Perfect .
Thanks to Mervin, The Moo Moo say some rubbish to me xxD
I`m cheer up again C=
I draw when I`m moody ..
And I can`t stop thinking bout that dream .. == Idiot . !

11 December 2008
Dream , Hugss ..

I always dream .. dream while I`m sleeping .
I never didn`t had a dream before ..
All kinds of stuff i can dream .. ghost, death, monster, family, friends and even YOU .
Last night, I had a dream too.
It`s not you but him. A wonderful dream yet it makes me can`t stop thinking of the scene .
A warm hug, A big hand, A tender lips & A Broad shoulders .
It will not come true ,
That`s s why I shall cherish that moment in my heart .

Because of the dream, I finally know that I really needed a hug.
A real & warm hug.
Woo ~
I changed my dance time to wednesday luu ~
So, today we`re LATE there. =)
I went to Guo Rong`s house 1st ..
Then keng gai loe .. don`t know wanna talk what ==
keep find things to talk if not very boring and awkward
He wear contact lens jor lae !! Keep ask me for comment ==
say idk jek let him scold jor ==|| But i forget what comment i gave xxD
actually leng zai jor !! hahaaa ! don`t want let him show off niaa ..
Ohh .. 8 30 and Ning finally arrived =D
In Lift, me and Guo Rong keep zat her xD
who ask her to be late == tiap tiap kali pun lewat datang .. esh esh !
This class not really crowded lae .. But they`re cute ppl xD
and more things to learn !!
but I still miss my old class .. =C
I changed my dance time to wednesday luu ~
So, today we`re LATE there. =)
I went to Guo Rong`s house 1st ..
Then keng gai loe .. don`t know wanna talk what ==
keep find things to talk if not very boring and awkward
He wear contact lens jor lae !! Keep ask me for comment ==
say idk jek let him scold jor ==|| But i forget what comment i gave xxD
actually leng zai jor !! hahaaa ! don`t want let him show off niaa ..
Ohh .. 8 30 and Ning finally arrived =D
In Lift, me and Guo Rong keep zat her xD
who ask her to be late == tiap tiap kali pun lewat datang .. esh esh !
This class not really crowded lae .. But they`re cute ppl xD
and more things to learn !!
but I still miss my old class .. =C
10 December 2008
Wooo ~ I`m sooo addicted to Bolt .
01. My very very fav char in the movie is RHINO ! xD
He`s Freaking Cute, Dumb & Funny just like I said to Mango . LOL
A big fans of Bolt.
No way I`m gonna put Bolt 1st xP

02. Now only Bolt. xD He`s Cute & Loves his oowner .
Very touching .. That`s all. =D haha !

03. Mittens !!
Poor kitty .. But very acknowledge about dog`s life. xxD
Mroawww ~ xD

04. Penny cast by Miley Cyrus X.X
I didn`t notice that till the end of the movie ==||
such lame .. hahaa ~

01. My very very fav char in the movie is RHINO ! xD
He`s Freaking Cute, Dumb & Funny just like I said to Mango . LOL
A big fans of Bolt.
No way I`m gonna put Bolt 1st xP

02. Now only Bolt. xD He`s Cute & Loves his oowner .
Very touching .. That`s all. =D haha !

03. Mittens !!
Poor kitty .. But very acknowledge about dog`s life. xxD
Mroawww ~ xD

04. Penny cast by Miley Cyrus X.X
I didn`t notice that till the end of the movie ==||
such lame .. hahaa ~

HaHaa .. I edited this. =)
My Memories ~ Lalalaa ~

Went out with my family yesterday. =)
We watched BOLT !! Wooo ~ But not 3D =(
Wanna watch again with 3D gehh =D hahaa ..
Nice & Funny movie .. i LOVE Rhino !! so CUTE ! xD
Everyone laugh like crazy man . Most of them is the parents . My mom laugh lagi geng than my sis & I == haha .. she enjoyed !!
Ohh . I can`t believe Miley Cyrus is Penny voice actress X.X
My sis .. She don`t want people to saw her ANGEL look ==

1. My mom want ''cheong gang'' but failed xP
2. I bought Queen`s album ~
3. I bought her album too xD
4.Cheese with the tree-cat. cat-tree. X.X

Legss ..

Mom & I . I look so cacat ~"~

My sis . Still the same .. Always EMO because neither my mom nor I wanna buy Mr.Midnight for her . X[

My mom keep call me to take pic with the Christmas tree .
A dude smoking keep looking at me . so Paiseh.@@

We bought these. =)

My Sis`s

Mine. Finally I had a pair of shoes ==

Ohh ~
Accident happened this afternoon in MiniToons . =(
I bought a cup of Milk tea .. Then i wanna put it in the plastic bag but it accidentally slipped from my hand. IDK whether i slipped it or it slipped itself . @"@ Then my mom keep scold me and she keep say sorry to the worker. Then she keep ask me just now want take what thing and see == i say no for 3 times but repeat the question . Then i say sorry to the worker once then i straight walk to the toilet . Really spoiled my day. sucks de loe .. esh esh !
My Memories ~ Lalalaa ~

Went out with my family yesterday. =)
We watched BOLT !! Wooo ~ But not 3D =(
Wanna watch again with 3D gehh =D hahaa ..
Nice & Funny movie .. i LOVE Rhino !! so CUTE ! xD
Everyone laugh like crazy man . Most of them is the parents . My mom laugh lagi geng than my sis & I == haha .. she enjoyed !!
Ohh . I can`t believe Miley Cyrus is Penny voice actress X.X
My sis .. She don`t want people to saw her ANGEL look ==
1. My mom want ''cheong gang'' but failed xP
2. I bought Queen`s album ~
3. I bought her album too xD
4.Cheese with the tree-cat. cat-tree. X.X

Legss ..
Mom & I . I look so cacat ~"~
My sis . Still the same .. Always EMO because neither my mom nor I wanna buy Mr.Midnight for her . X[
My mom keep call me to take pic with the Christmas tree .
A dude smoking keep looking at me . so Paiseh.@@

We bought these. =)

My Sis`s

Mine. Finally I had a pair of shoes ==

Ohh ~
Accident happened this afternoon in MiniToons . =(
I bought a cup of Milk tea .. Then i wanna put it in the plastic bag but it accidentally slipped from my hand. IDK whether i slipped it or it slipped itself . @"@ Then my mom keep scold me and she keep say sorry to the worker. Then she keep ask me just now want take what thing and see == i say no for 3 times but repeat the question . Then i say sorry to the worker once then i straight walk to the toilet . Really spoiled my day. sucks de loe .. esh esh !
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