18 June 2014

Starlight Cinema with Samsung

Mind me for not updating my blog for quite a while. 
My full time job + college tasks were driving me nuts! 
Anyhow, we learn to release stress once in a while. Besides doing my workout, watching movie is my 2nd favorite way of stress release and slowing down my pace. 
What's better and Awesome-er is that Malaysia's largest outdoor cinema is back! 

And hellooooo Samsung Galaxy users! We are all lucky babies under the care of Samsung! 
Did you read FREE movie screening for us ??? :D YIPPEEEEEE 

Brought my sis to watch Fast and Furious 6 with me last night! We were so excited on the way there as it's our first experience to watch movie under the starry starry night. 

STEP 1 Download Samsung Galaxy Life apps here! Trust me, you will fall in love with this apps full of free stuffs and discount vouchers!

STEP 2 Go to Starlight Cinema on the day that screens the movie you wanna watch. Go to Galaxy Life apps and click REDEEM IT for Starlight Cinema. You are now able to enjoy a free movie night with variety of F&B!

 It was super spacious. You can sit at the nearest or the furthest yet still being able to enjoy the movie.
What I love more is the food, food, food and drink. hahahahahh Hello? 1st 100 of Samsung Galaxy Life users get to redeem all them free nom nom!

I had Crazy Potato, GONGCHA (big love!), Pizza Hut and Project C! All free!! There are actually other stalls but the movie started so I quickly ran back to my seat because I love Paul Walker. bittersweet watching Fast&Furious6 :(
 What you want to take note of before going there
1. Bring a mat, pillow and probably raincoat just in case it rains. But I don't think it will because it's so hot these days!
2. Bring mosquito repellent spray for body!
3. Companions. The reason of going outdoor movie is to get to chill with your friends right? The more the merrier lo!

 Us. Sitting at the Samsung tent. Still being able to enjoy the movie :D

I personally thinks that everyone should experience outdoor movie once. Or more if you love it. lol
And of course, Samsung Galaxy Life not only gives out free movie tickets but many more awesome deals for you to check out!

Redeem your passes now at http://bit.ly/1kRqZcP

03 June 2014



前两天的星期日 我很荣幸地受邀参加了Perfect World完美世界其一有名的线上游戏推介活动,
笑傲江湖 Swordman 可说是全球首屈一指的免费在线角色扮演游戏(MMOPRG)。Swordman是完完全全以金庸原著《笑傲江湖》武侠小说为背景。

此革命性的免费武侠网游 将带给你电影版的视觉盛宴,淋漓展现江湖十大门派特色!保证让玩家犹如处身风起云涌的江湖世界中。





还有!老娘也很庆幸地认识了Swordman里的VIP专业玩家,Xiao Ting!又在玩线上游戏的人一定认识她!在游戏里认识美女也可以咯!爽!哈哈哈哈

欲体验《笑傲江湖》Swordman绝妙神奇的江湖世界,请登入 xa.4games.com





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