As some of my twitter's followers knew, I have been trying to control my diet and exercise a lot lately. There's people keep telling me that I am not fat but in fact gaining weight doesn't necessarily shows physically.
Okay, maybe it does but probably not the obvious part of your body la. Like mine, I gained 4kg and it shows on my thighs, tummy and worst of all, FACE! wtf
I'll probably offended some people by saying I'm fat or out of shape. I do not discriminate people who drink, eat, and breath however they are because it is important to feel happy and contented of your life.
To me, I feel contented and happy when I look into the mirror and feeling good and proportional. I cannot stand it looking at myself in the mirror and realized all the fats ran to my thighs and face. It is disgusting (for myself!) to see my body goes unproportional. I do not judge other people but I have a ruler for myself. #selfdefensemode
I'm not sure if this post is going to help anyone who cares or I am probably just writing this so I can remind myself "now people know what you are doing so you better not fail! " -.-
So what I do daily to improve myself.
This no.1 rule is very tough for me k. hahahaaa I love to drink, A LOT but I stopped for more than a month now. I told myself to only drink if there's special event like party, blogger event. I used to take in alcohol to temporarily paralyze my mind from problems but you will only feel worse the next day. Hangover (although this rarely happened on me) and face and eyes puffiness! Trust me, alcohol makes you gain weight and uglier the next day. lol so if you wanna drink, make sure you can have a good rest the next day to recover yourself. (:
You probably thinking I go in and out the gym. fyi, I have never been to gym. loll I exercise 4 - 7 time a week at home. You can get the body you want with just a yoga mat and maybe laptop. Try youtubing blogilates! Lucky me, I have a eliptical machine and a mom who workout everyday. EVERYDAY. If I don't catch up, people will probably mistakenly known me as her sister/auntie. -.-
I know it's hard to keep motivating yourself to exercise but the post-workout feeling is just so awesome. You will be feeling happier and healthier. Sometimes when I am lazy, I'll just do 20 squats day and night. That's it. hahahaa least I did something so I don't feel sorry for my body :x
I'm thinking of joining gym also la haiyo. Because they have more equipment and variety of classes so I can reach my target faster. :\ meh. just saying because I hate to share my personal space with people. Yes, I included workout as my personal activity so I can look fulgy at ease. :p
Drink plenty of water. The basic of staying healthy. I have a water bottle with me everywhere I go so I stay hydrated. Staying hydrated not only keeps you healthy but also gives your skin more complexion. And I'm not sure if this is the effect of drinking water but my hair is healthier too. O.O no more dried and split end already!
Besides mineral water, I love drinking green tea too! I drink almost everyday because it is the best beverage! ( I don't drink soft drink so it's a plus for me :D ) Main reason I started drinking green tea is to lose weight and be healthy la. I cannot really find a bad thing of green tea but the only side effects is insomnia because it contains caffeine.
So yeah, mineral water and green tea are now my daily essential to survive. lol
More like sleep at the right time actually. I don't really go out past 12am these days so my latest sleep time is 1am but sometimes I sleep around 4am++ because I cannot stop myself from watching good drama and read good book. #abitoffml lol but I feel damn bad the moment I woke up and surviving the whole day. :(
Another reason that I sleeping early is to get enough rest because I need to wake up at 7am every weekdays to drop my sister to school and start engine my day. It was a good reason for me to change my unhealthy lifestyle.
I'm not eating totally clean. Most people who eat clean only allow themselves to have one cheat day a week. I cannot laaa. I have cheat moment everyday but I eat responsibly. For example: breakfast - Milo with oat and one banana, lunch - mee hoon soup with fishballs, dinner - lots of, lots of vegetables (brocolli is a must!) then in between those meals, probably around 4pm to 6pm will be my cheat moment. lol I'll just eat whatever I want with limited intake.
These are the 5 things I promised myself to do everyday.
Actually whatever we said to ourselves are nothing if we didn't prove it by our action. Motivate yourself everyday, tell yourself you want to be better the moment you wake up, and most of all, DETERMINATION.
and for those who will never gain weight or born with perfect curves, fuck you. lol just joking laa but don't think you look good then don't have to live healthy k ^___^ HAHAHAHAHAHAA
Fine. I jealous. :(
Let's see how long till I break my own promise, hopefully never la. :p