27 March 2009
开心死 X)
其实我不喜欢用ENGLISH写博客的咯 ...
因为我的表达能力有限 ~ (x___x)
☜…。…。…。…。…。…。…。 …。…。…。…。…。☞
这个星期真的忙死我 ..
好像对未来一点期望都没有 ..
看到都气!\ ( >O< ) /
☜…。…。…。…。…。…。…。 …。…。…。…。…。☞
可能是自己要的吧 .. 因为我恨被忽略的感觉 !!
很讨厌常被同学说爱发呆的我!! o(# ̄▽ ̄)==O)) ̄▽ ̄")o打死你 !!
所以每一天在学校的我,常会有这些情形 :
i) 学业不行,所以会尽量在课外活动把自己搞得大忙人似的。
ii) 做数学做到会疯 !! >_<#
iii) 睡眠不足,在学校扮酷。哈哈哈!! >"<¦¦¦¦
☜…。…。…。…。…。…。…。 …。…。…。…。…。☞
好像没什么好写了 ..
就写到这里吧 ~
晚安 ... [[清明节快乐]] (‵▽′)Ψ
25 March 2009
went to The Summit USJ to cherr for all my
-ex- dancemates .. in
UnPreDicTaBle Gen
geng seii xxD
click the group name to view the video* =D
I just ain`t made for dance .. It`s just perfect if I stand at what position I am ..
Maybe my leaving is the right choice ..
aihh .. this is what I can do to cheer myself with all this non-sense =____________=
21 March 2009
TREN !! +U +U
I will support you all gehh ~!! X)
Give you all courage .. xP
19 March 2009
15 March 2009
100 truths .
001. Real Name: Chutipond =__=
002. Nickname(s): Pond X)
003. Age: 16
004. Horoscope: Leo
005. Male or Female: Female
006. Elementary: Young Archiever =)
007. Middle School: SJK(C) Desa Jaya !!
008. High School: SMK Bandar Sri Damansara 2
009. College School: x x x college
010. Hair colour: Dark Brown .. =D
011. Long or Short: medium length
012. Loud or Quiet: er .. IDK ~ xD
013. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans . !
014. Phone or Camera: Phone lae =_=
015. Health Freak: HaHaa .. If YES how ? xD
016. Drink or Smoke: Nahh .. ~
017.Do you have a crush on someone: Got also don`t tell you lae xP
018. Eat or Drink: Eat , Eat & Drink C=
019. Piercings: Ears .. last time got 3, but now left 2 hole @"@
020. Tattoos: Maybe In the Future xxxD
021. Social or Anti-Social: See who I`m facing =)
022. Righty or lefty: Righty ~!
023. First piercing: 6 years old ! =)
024. First relationship: Form 1 =)
025. First Best Friend: Aiyoo .. =_= erm .. Amy Low ? I think so .. @"@
026. First Award: HaHaa .. Dancing award ? Elementary ? ~"~
027. First Kiss: mouth or cheek ?
028. First Pet: Ohh !! It`s a DOG ~ named Jimmy =) very leng zai de loe .. X)
029. First Big Vacation: Thailand ? My hometown , Chiang Mai, I think ~
030. First Love at first sight: HAHA .. Okay lae . I very honest 1 =_= Aaron Tan ..
031. First Big Birthday: 1 year old =) .. what ?
032. First Surgery: Wah .. erm ~ =_=
033. First sport you joined: Does Dancing counted ??
This or That
034. Orange or Apple juice: Apple Juicilicious
035. Rock or Rap: Rap ~"~
036. Country or Screamo: Country =) I heart Peace xD
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: Backstreet Gals xD
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: O.o I Take Both !!
039. Night or Day: Day Or Night ? both =)
040. Sun or Moon: Sun ~ hahaa .. although I hate the heat !!
041. TV or Internet: Internet ~
042. Playstation or xbox: Playstation .. xP Xbox `s game are just too expensive =_=
043. Kiss or hug: Hug =)
044. Iguana or turtle: Can I pick Fish ? ~"~
045. Spider or bee: Spider-Man xD
046. Fall or spring: Fall .. Not so HOT xD
047. Limewire or iTunes: Limewire ..
048. Soccer or baseball: O.o Basketball ?
049. Eating: MiHun Soup =_=
050. Drinking: Soup ~ xD
051. Excitement level: 80 ~! xD
052. I’m about to: play HighStreet 5 .. HAHAaa !!
053. Listening to: Msn nudging =___=
054. Plan for today: Watch 8tv ..Got ASH !! ASH !!!
055. Waiting for: the sun goes down =)
056. Energy Level: kinda sloppy ~
057. Thinking of someone: yaa .. worrying ~
058. Want kids?: Du-uh ?!
059. Want to get married?: Every gals want that ryte .. Maybe ~
060. When?: aihh .. =__=
061. How many kids do you want: 1 is enough =)
062. Any name on the mind: No .. Only FOOD ! I wanna eat xD
063. What did you want to be when you were little: Elementary Teacher xD
064. Careers in mind: psychologist, accountant, boss ? xD
065. Mellow future or wild: In the day, Mellow ; In the night, WILD !! X)
066. Something you would never try: Kill Someone .. I Mean Human ~ ngek ngek*
067. When do you want to die: When my husband die !! Hahahaa .. Just Joking =_=
Which is the better in the boy/girl you like (in the future)
068. Lips or Eyes: cannot BOTH de meh !?
069. Romantic or Funny?: Romantic .. Woosh ~
070. Shorter or Taller?: Taller .. X.X
071. Protective or Caring?: er .. I prefer Independent xD
072. Romantic or Spontaneous?: Romantic X)
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: I DONT WANT ''DAI TOU LAM'' ! nice arms =)
074. Sensitive or Loud?: wahh .. =_= I hate both ..
075. Hook-up or Relationship?: er .. Hook up ? xD IDK lae ~"~
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: Trouble Maker !!
077. Muscular or normal: Normal with a lil Muscular =)
078. Kissed a stranger: Noo ~!
079. Broken a bone: Noo ~! But I broke someoness before X)
080. Lost glasses or contacts: Noo ~!
081. Ran away from home: Yess ~! xD
082. Held a gun/knife for self defence: Noo ~! I know KUNG FU xD
083. Killed somebody: Never !!
084. Broken some one’s heart: Always .. Because I`m [cold blooded] =)
085. Had your heart broken: Always .. Because I`m [soft hearted] xD
086. Been arrested: Noo ~!
087. Cried when someone died: My dad .. =________________=
088. Liked a friend more than a friend: Yaa .. Like [family] !!
Do you believe in
089. Yourself: Sometimes .. I have great Instinct =)
090. Miracles: If got , I hope [He]`s back alive ... ...
091. Love at first sight: Always xD
092. Heaven: YESS ~!
093. Santa Claus : Pretend de got lae =___=
094. Tooth Fairy: Noo ~! Maybe .. xD
095. Kiss in the first date: Noo ~!
096. Angels: Yess ~! It`s pretty =)
Answer Truthfully
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: Can I want more than A person ?
098. Are you seriously happy with where you’re in life now?: Yaa .. =)
099. Do you believe in God?: Yaa .. If not I also won`t so rajin Pray lae =_=
100. Post as 100 truths . with NO NEED tags people =)
12 March 2009
妹和堂妹在对着我指指点点 ~
突然,妹问我 ... “你为什么脸那么[臭]?”=_________=
我顿时在想 ... 没有啊 ~
回她 :“你的脸更[臭]!!”
我的脸的确挺[臭]的 @"@
我脸上的忧愁既然出卖了我的心 ?!
10 March 2009
Getting a lil` sore throat =_=
Small problem then don`t want go school .. aihh ..
how successful am I .. xD
I heard NEWS from my classmates ..
Quarrel ?! Argument ?!! Fight ??!
Teacher VS Student ?!!!??
Of Course my Zai Zai win lae @"@
Sei loe .. 2 of them also not very good temper gehh ~___~
Aihh .. tomorrow only try to Understand everything lae ..
Happy BirthDay
Tan Shu Pei !!
Gan Wei Ann !!
Happy Sweet? 17th C=
08 March 2009
so HIGH ~
Ning & I went to Sungai Wang to support Ash and his friends for the competition ---- 终极天团
And then many many things happen loe .. xD
Got 1 [[8 Poh]] push me =________________=
I know i nearly hit her .. but there`s still a DISTANCE .. is FAR that one =_=
then she use her hand push me hardly .. can`t you at least say a EXCUSE ME or SORRY !?
No say also nvm .. still put that LAN CI face in front of me .. =_________=
I know I ugly .. but you no need like this gua ..
aihh .. I don`t want say sad things liao lae .. Spoiled my mood niaa ..
After the Contestants finish their everything .. 6 group were allowed to take pic on stage ..
Then .. that Gary say other 6 cannot O_____________O
Everyone non-stop Boo him xxD Suddenly the decision changed ..
the other 6 can GO DOWN take pic with us lae .. means 星级男孩 can come down loe .. Everyone`s so high xxD
Aiyaa .. I type here a bit [[cacat]] .. see pics lae =_=
Before going .. =)

Ning & I *Oh noo .. Don`t look at my eye bags X=

HAHAAAA .. I spot him!! LOL

This 38 pohh =__= whole suit also leopard skin .. macam wear pyjamas go out niaa ..
BUT !! she support 星级男孩 , so I try to forgive her lae =_=

After that, Ning, her family & I go had dinner loe ..
But only ning, me, her sis & bro eat @_@ faint*
My cacat face =)

I wanna tell something WHICH I think is funny xD
That time Ning & I waiting for the fans to finish taking pics with them .. Suddenly Wind look at us & said OK OK ~ Both of us stunned .. @_@
We want find Ash nia lae .. LOL !!
Have a nice + warm conversation between us & Ash ..
Miss him lae !!
While we`re talking, Ning told me got people jealous O.o Dai Sei to those who`re jealous !!! xD
Last but x Least !
US !!!!

ps: please support them =) 星级男孩 !!
: I keep bang dou people today T^T
: I have a [Star-friend] + [Ex-Leader] + [Ex-Partner] as a friend. fuiyorh ! I`m so proud xxD
07 March 2009
so accurate .. OMG.
I wanna post to those people always talk stupid in front of me gehh see CX
不是跟我很熟的人覺得我是 一個常常把自己藏起來的人。很有神秘感。不容易接近。
跟我很熟的人覺得我是 可以跟我講道理。黑白之間分辨得很清楚。
我想要別人覺得我是 很清楚自己想什麼要什麼的人。
我最希望我的情人是 很細心。我需要什麼他都有準備。不會因為很少/小的東西便找我。
其實真實的我是 覺得朋友比天還重要的人。很珍惜身邊很多朋友。敢愛敢恨。不過不喜歡的人我就不會去管..
so true de loe =___________________=
I`m just trying to make you to know me more .. XD
04 March 2009
03 March 2009
Today .. stepped into the class ..
I was whispering to myself .. '' am I too early or everyone too late?''
Then Kai Ying replied me O__O yes, they`re late .. LOL. okay .. not funny -__-
1st time lae .. cause I always very late only reached school de mah ..
but today all became PIG jor .. xP
There`s saringan held .. so BORING .. =-=
teacher give us do Karangan loe .. then what aer ?
Ohhh !! See people Tarik Tali !! aihh ..
Red house Gals & Guys also x masuk .. apa nii ..
If I go sure ... ... lose also de X)
Then, Pn.Tamil gave back us our maths paper =)
When everyone get back their paper ..
The 1st time thing most of the people do is Compare .. LOL .
I get A1 lae .. X) It`s like since Primary6 till now .. i finally Get A for Maths .. HAH !!!
Ehermm .. No harm of lan c some of the people ..
erm .. erm .. the who loe .. say 1st time i higher than him/her de loe .. xD
My soo empty class ..
Ning`s phone new baju .. Everytime she help her HP to change new design ..
sure give people zat .. kesian her loe X)
Ning & Ugly de Me =)
I don`t mind .. xD ______________ okay .. maybe a little =_=
paiseh lae .. X)
Last pic of the day, Ning & Doesn`t look like Ling @ Me
I kinda like this pic .. cause so-not-me xD

ps: Xuan is absent today .. Xian is lonely without her .. At least I think so ..
: Everyone`s singing Jay`s '' Shuo Hao @ Xing Fu Ne'' .. erm .. weird =____=
: I wanna take back add maths .. but I scare scare ~"~