17 January 2009
ROAD RUN !! I`m so excited

I kept tell Xuan I`m very nervous till this morning felt like wanna ''pang sai''

yeah ! yeah !
One year better than One Year .. haha = = lame.
Form3 I get 30+, Form4 I get 20+, Form5 I get 16 lae !!
My God .. happy sei X)
Afterwards, There`s [[co-curriculor fair]] ... zzz
we need to join those clubs loe .. 1st come 1st serve lae ..
But mostly also tipu e de lae .. Basketball also 150++ people .. gila betul .
Why I know .. Because I`m the secretary lae .. xD
Many people like ''har !! you can or not .. a lot things to do de lae!!''
aiya .. always look down on me .. I`ll prove that I`m not that soft & weak in YOUR GOD DAMN EYES .

12 January 2009

I don`t wanna sit at the last row + corner .. sigh
I can`t even see those word on the board

Then I keep borrow book and see from Elain & Khoo Khoo .. =_____=
Do account also so blurr .. aihh ~
go Bang wall suan liao lae ..

Why don`t give me sit in front !!

kesian me sikit lae .. =(

Ohh well , I think I`ll just end up every morning crying on my sit .. >___________<

11 January 2009
Sing like there`s X tomorrow
go The Curve .. SING K SING K

from last year said till now .. finally it`s come true !! whee ~ and hor .. I realized everytime i hang out with my friends , for sure the date is ''chu 1 / 15''
=_____________= ||
HAHA !! so ngam de lae ..
Before Ning & Alvynn come X)
They arrived my house about 12 +pm. Then we wait for Kim Hui loe ..
I played comp then Alvynn sit beside me

Then I showed Alvynn Genee`s photo .. He started to act ''fat hao'' lou ~
So I kacau him by chatting with Genee bout Alvynn`s good & bad .. HAHA !!
Got nothing to do mah .. Kim Hui so late also not yet come
Then someone ding-dong ! I rush out and I saw HIM !! finally .. ~"~ We waited him like watched 1 movie only = =
Sit Kancil go THE CURVE !!
Alvynn & Ning singing .. woot ~
It`s ME !! X) *Ning`s H/P

Me again !! hah !! *My H/P
Alvynn & I
Kim Hui & I

Ning, Ling, Kim Hui ..

After went out from Red Box .. We walked here & there ++ take photo here and there .. xD
US - Ning, Ling, Alvynn, Kim Hui .

I`m bringing Sexay backk ..

I hate Cineleisure`s MCD .. suck service ..
Ling & Kim Hui ..

Tired of walking around , we went back home loe =)
Ning & I
Very Boring in the car , so I decided to SS .. X)
er .. Ning called me to add a HEART there =)
ALVYNN !! hahahaa .. blerk !
... ... what ?
There`s a Police Car beside us .. But Ning don`t care continue take pic with Kim Hui & Alvynn .. haha !!
Finally backed home .. tiring yet happy day .. because the whole process , we laugh non-stop . talk many lame things .. xD
I bought this !!
okay lae .. It`s not that nice .. but I like mah ..
'Chui' meh .. phoo ~ phoo ~ xP
In Kim`s car .. =)
01. 1 a.m: sleeping / chatting .
- ah yat
- ah yii
- ah sam
- ah seii
- ah ''berak'' .. lalalaa ~
1. Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture right now.
2. Don’t change your clothes, just take a picture.
3. Post that picture with NO editing.
4. Post the picture with these instructions:
#Remove one question from below and add in your personal question.
#Make a total of 20 questions and tag 5 people.
#List them out at the end of the post.
1. Do you believe in Love at first sight?
- belive .. but mostly won`t last long .. = =
2. What do you like the most about your siblings?
- when we sharing lame jokes & ''zat''-ing each other X) *because i always win!!
3. Are you looking for a boyfriend?
- not now ..
4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
- 50 50 lae ..
5. How many babies you want?
- 2 is maximum .. haha ! maybe lae .. i don`t want like ning de mah .. so many babies for what .. wanna be nanny meh .. xD
7. What is your goal for this year (2009)?
- don`t face the computer sooo long ..
- i don`t force myself to get A but lotsa lotsa creditss ~ X)
- add oil for my maths & account !!
- know what I really wanted to do .. =(
- ohh ! improve my singing skill .. hahahahaaa !! sampat = =
8. Do you think you're clever?
- in some ways , ya .. some other ways , no . =)
9.What’s a perfect girlfriend/boyfriend like to you? (List 10)
- good-looking .. don`t need to be leng zai ..
- know my personality well .. i mean WELL ..
- must have some talent .. I er .. don`t like dumbass X)
- doesn`t always fooling around ..
- must got $$ .. at least more $$ than me .. XXX)
- know what i want .. not like those log always standing beside me .. so stupid = =
- woo ~ can help me on studies ~
- smile a lots .. but not idiot smile .. don`t smile diok like bai cii .. hahahaaa !!
- not long distance relationships ..
- lastly, a perfect + perfect person .. xD
1o.Do you ever wonder where you would end up after you die?
- heaven !! okay .. I think most of the people want me go to HELL more .. X.X
11. What are your bad habits?
- when I`m thinking, I`m emo-ing .. HAHA ..
12.Do you love shopping?
- duh ~ but no money no talk ..
13. State a random fact about yourself?
- kek sui gehh fringe = = , like to laugh all in a sudden, blur gal, like to scold kim eng & Joo xD, don`t know what I want, LOVE WINNIE THE POOH or maybe PIGLET !!
14. What does flying means to you?
- freedom .. no stress , no pressure . But i scare kena BANG by hunters .. xD
15. What do you crave for the most currently?
- more money , more out going .. =)
16.Describe the person that tagged you in 7 words.
- so poh, have own style, always talk stupid things, clever, loves dance, loves doraemon, no friend no life ( i think ) .. lalalaaa ~
17. Are you currently single?
- duh .. can`t u see ? lol ..
18. What is in your mind now?
- wanna go sing K again .. xP
19. Do you believe in fate?
- maybe .. if my fate do came , I will 100% believe ..
20. Who do you want to be 10 years later?
- lady boss .. X) rich lady , warm family .. ~
08 January 2009
=_= kill me ~ nah.. just joking.
Actually I`m not that passion towards dancing ..
I like to dance .. but not over-loved to dance .. =__________= sry sryy
I ''will'' maybe stop for dance lesson sooner NO later ..
I don`t want myself to put anymore extra stress for myself ..
My strength had limited .. & having SPM this year.. BUT .
I had dance training to attend for a competition ..
That`s why I don`t know wether my decision is right or not ..
If I continue, I don`t think I`m really enjoying ..
If I don`t continue, I scare I`ll have to give up the competiton and add more burden for my team ..
I don`t wanna be the bad guy ..
But I`m not really enjoying the whole process .. urghh ! I know I know .. I`m an idiot ..
So, what can I do ? How to solve this ?
Should I complete the competition then stop ?
Or should I be a bad guy ?
I need suggestion & Consolation .. *fan*
Missed School .
malu lae weii .. = =
haha .. don`t scold me if i said the reason ..
I overslept X)
my alarm suddenly rosak lae ..
didn`t Ring me up ..
STUPID clock .. I bought you back is to wake me up ..
See what you done !! I missed school .. and I missed ACCOUNT class !!
urghh .. I don`t wanna use you anymore lae ..
Lucky I bought another one .. *the pink one narr* X)
Tomorrow got dance training lae ..
But I haven`t tell them .. I maybe stop dance class .. aihh ~
Tuition or Dance class ??
Of course Tuition de mahh ..
SPM lae this year .. If i fail any subject , I`ll go suicide better xD
05 January 2009
Form 5 lae .. X)
call me DAI KAH JIE ..
remember bow at me when u see me harr .. xP
just joking .. ~ later u all boh song me , i go bang wall better V.V
OHH ! *sigh .. SPM . =(
BUT ! something lagi teruk .. i sit LAST row somemore lagi have to sit at SIDE .. wtf man = =
sit also don`t have 1 hour i started to sweat like hell ..
but ah Xian can`t see I`m sweating .. You ''zao bou'' loe .. hoho ~
I WANT SWTICH PLACE aerr .. I want fan ! I want fan !! T.T
aihh .. Nevermind lae .. Sit with ah Ning .. bu cuo de lae ~ =D
My class teacher remain Pn. Thanbeer .. can`t stop taking our $$ huh .. xD
AND horr .. our school canteen sucks a lot ..
NO MORE mineral water & soft drinks sell lae .. got those lao peh punya syrup only ..
then the food .. so yucky than last year !! LAME canteen man .. You better sell nothing lae ..
aihh .. Hope it will improve lae ..