28 September 2008
This morning 9 30++ I ter-bangun X.X *it`s sooo early for me*
Then why so early wake ? Cause reveice someone`s msg == tell me go clubbing 4++am only back .. So care I care Your thing for what la == Nothing de mah .. You want kao lui mah go lae .. zzz
Quite a boring day .. ~"~
at 1st everyone had decide to go to ''CHI CHIONG GAII''
erm .. something like that X.X
but then .. all last minute say don`t want go .. zzz
hahiz .. M.A.Z. also don`t want go liao .. then I 55 sms Junior tell him loe ..
Unfortunately, Ju said he don`t feel like going .. Lastly also no go lae .. got name let you call JU - ''ZHU'' . xP
Really felt dissapointed .. cause I don`t wanna stay in the house aeR !!
what A boring life ~"~
Lucky MaMa say at night go Kepong Night Market .. go for what?
Buy fruits loe .. Be AH SAM =D
not bad de lae .. can go out see the world =]
We`re so fated lae Sistas ~
while MaMa and I were walking around ..
O___O i saw a leng lui`s back ..
erm .. er .. e .. Oii !! Xian lae !!
then i go tap her back shoulder .. I think I hak dou her @@ Paiseh aeR Xiian ^^"
Continue our road ..
Suddenly one So Poh ''POP'' out .. scared me ~"~
hahahaa .. =X no Offend .
It`s Xuan .. =)
WaLaO .. She wear long sleeves shirt lae ==||
i was like .. Dah tau org banyak, Tapi masih pakai baju macam tu @"@
maybe she didn`t feel the heat & sweatss .. xD
Conclusion, today I met Xian & Xuan. Ning wasn`t there niaa ~
If not really very .. erm . Whatever ~
Then why so early wake ? Cause reveice someone`s msg == tell me go clubbing 4++am only back .. So care I care Your thing for what la == Nothing de mah .. You want kao lui mah go lae .. zzz
Quite a boring day .. ~"~
at 1st everyone had decide to go to ''CHI CHIONG GAII''
erm .. something like that X.X
but then .. all last minute say don`t want go .. zzz
hahiz .. M.A.Z. also don`t want go liao .. then I 55 sms Junior tell him loe ..
Unfortunately, Ju said he don`t feel like going .. Lastly also no go lae .. got name let you call JU - ''ZHU'' . xP
Really felt dissapointed .. cause I don`t wanna stay in the house aeR !!
what A boring life ~"~
Lucky MaMa say at night go Kepong Night Market .. go for what?
Buy fruits loe .. Be AH SAM =D
not bad de lae .. can go out see the world =]
We`re so fated lae Sistas ~
while MaMa and I were walking around ..
O___O i saw a leng lui`s back ..
erm .. er .. e .. Oii !! Xian lae !!
then i go tap her back shoulder .. I think I hak dou her @@ Paiseh aeR Xiian ^^"
Continue our road ..
Suddenly one So Poh ''POP'' out .. scared me ~"~
hahahaa .. =X no Offend .
It`s Xuan .. =)
WaLaO .. She wear long sleeves shirt lae ==||
i was like .. Dah tau org banyak, Tapi masih pakai baju macam tu @"@
maybe she didn`t feel the heat & sweatss .. xD
Conclusion, today I met Xian & Xuan. Ning wasn`t there niaa ~
If not really very .. erm . Whatever ~
Oh! Ohh! Ohhh!
Just now.. Really just now dii .
My sis`s BF call her ==||
don`t dare to talk .. WTF !
ask me to talk to him ..
WEII . I bukan dia punya GF laa okay ? ==||
Just now.. Really just now dii .
My sis`s BF call her ==||
don`t dare to talk .. WTF !
ask me to talk to him ..
WEII . I bukan dia punya GF laa okay ? ==||
25 September 2008
my eyes ..
ehh . should be my RIGHT eye .. *
what happen to my right eye .. ?!
there`s tears keep falling out non-stop .. T.^ -- now like this jor
instead of my left eye or both together .. ==
very pain lae .. My Godd ~!
i cant stop rubbing it whenever there tears in it .. =(
then my vision .. ARGHH !!
sometimes so clear sometimes so blurr .. i cant see things better ..
maybe lack of sleep and water ..
dai sei la Ling @$%&$
who call u always late sleep KAO ZAI !! =X
and dont drink water ..
inilah balasan sekarang .. *.*
ehh . should be my RIGHT eye .. *
what happen to my right eye .. ?!
there`s tears keep falling out non-stop .. T.^ -- now like this jor
instead of my left eye or both together .. ==
very pain lae .. My Godd ~!
i cant stop rubbing it whenever there tears in it .. =(
then my vision .. ARGHH !!
sometimes so clear sometimes so blurr .. i cant see things better ..
maybe lack of sleep and water ..
dai sei la Ling @$%&$
who call u always late sleep KAO ZAI !! =X
and dont drink water ..
inilah balasan sekarang .. *.*
24 September 2008
20 September 2008
来的时候15位都不到 ==
对不起啦妹~ 我真的没心情帮你主持一切过程。
姐妹万岁!!! =D
来的时候15位都不到 ==
对不起啦妹~ 我真的没心情帮你主持一切过程。
姐妹万岁!!! =D
I sense loneliness without you gals.
18 September 2008
17 September 2008
I wanna start with this look D=
Aww .. ~
I`m standing in the middle of the bridge lae ..
My mom force me .. either choose Participate in the International Hip-Hop Dance Competition or Go to The International China Camp Trip .. ==||
OMGOD!! If you`re me .. what will you do ? =(
I`m so stuck ..
the Dance Competition - I missed the last one gehh .. this year is my 2nd chance .. should I let it go or keep it tightly ?
the China Camp Trip - Not much school or students can join .. My school SPECIAL de mah xP
then it`s a rare/scarce chance to go there .. cause next year still got lae ..
but then different place ..
*sigh ..
choose which one lae?
Aww .. ~
I`m standing in the middle of the bridge lae ..
My mom force me .. either choose Participate in the International Hip-Hop Dance Competition or Go to The International China Camp Trip .. ==||
OMGOD!! If you`re me .. what will you do ? =(
I`m so stuck ..
the Dance Competition - I missed the last one gehh .. this year is my 2nd chance .. should I let it go or keep it tightly ?
the China Camp Trip - Not much school or students can join .. My school SPECIAL de mah xP
then it`s a rare/scarce chance to go there .. cause next year still got lae ..
but then different place ..
*sigh ..
choose which one lae?
yO ..
Went 2 club today =) just as i told from the last article ..
grab some photos .. lazy to say lae ..
we met up with BSD1 students as well ..
Be4 Goin , try my swimsuit mah =) so long no wear de .. don`t know got fat diok or not xD

After swimming , do what? cam-whoring loe .. that`s what we always do *=)
Xuan Xian Ling

Ling Xian

Ling Xian

Xuan Ling

Then we go to the children playroom =D we`re children TOO !
Ling .. see Xian (the one with pink pants) xxD don`t know what she trying to do .. LOL.

X.X Xian sure kill me xD


Awww ~ Cute kid .. there`s a Little Girl too .. but she`s shy . so i don`t dare go talk to her .. takut nanti dia nangis I yang mati .
What A Bright Smile He Has .. *=D we should smile like that OFTEN .

Then go back home =)
Let my mom see the photo i took with that cute little kiddo ..
then my mom took her handphone and told me every handphone i choose , the camera also very clear one .. hers, buy so expensive also no use xD
then i try to help her set the camera thinggy loe ..
actually, my mom luv camwhoring . xP

heart ya lots mom !
Went 2 club today =) just as i told from the last article ..
grab some photos .. lazy to say lae ..
we met up with BSD1 students as well ..
Be4 Goin , try my swimsuit mah =) so long no wear de .. don`t know got fat diok or not xD
After swimming , do what? cam-whoring loe .. that`s what we always do *=)
Xuan Xian Ling
Ling Xian
Ling Xian

Xuan Ling

Then we go to the children playroom =D we`re children TOO !
Ling .. see Xian (the one with pink pants) xxD don`t know what she trying to do .. LOL.
X.X Xian sure kill me xD
Awww ~ Cute kid .. there`s a Little Girl too .. but she`s shy . so i don`t dare go talk to her .. takut nanti dia nangis I yang mati .
What A Bright Smile He Has .. *=D we should smile like that OFTEN .
Then go back home =)
Let my mom see the photo i took with that cute little kiddo ..
then my mom took her handphone and told me every handphone i choose , the camera also very clear one .. hers, buy so expensive also no use xD
then i try to help her set the camera thinggy loe ..
actually, my mom luv camwhoring . xP

heart ya lots mom !
Worthless ..
It`s not worth for me to CUT your own hand ..
It`s not even worth for me to TATTOO my name on your back ..
I`m not worth to be treated like that ..
I can`t accept what I had and facing right now ..
I tried .. I really tried my best before ..
but I`m not the type you want ..
It`s a FULL STOP between YOU and I ..
I told you from the very 1st we knew each other ..
If u fall for me .. pull back .. I`m not worth to be loved ..
I`ll hurt you guys deeply ..
Please .. WAKE UP ..
It`s a nightmare ..
When you`re wake .. there`s won`t be a me in your heart, mind, and everything anymore .
I DON`T WANT YOU .. get it ?
... ...
It`s not even worth for me to TATTOO my name on your back ..
I`m not worth to be treated like that ..
I can`t accept what I had and facing right now ..
I tried .. I really tried my best before ..
but I`m not the type you want ..
It`s a FULL STOP between YOU and I ..
I told you from the very 1st we knew each other ..
If u fall for me .. pull back .. I`m not worth to be loved ..
I`ll hurt you guys deeply ..
Please .. WAKE UP ..
It`s a nightmare ..
When you`re wake .. there`s won`t be a me in your heart, mind, and everything anymore .
I DON`T WANT YOU .. get it ?
... ...
16 September 2008

okay .. it`s bored @@ but then tomorrow is gonna be a busy day for ME ..! =)
early morning wake up have to go club with Xian & Xuan loe .. go swimming *very long no go lea ^^V *happy!! too bad Ning can`t go .. pity her loe xP

Erm .. Er .. E ..
I just wanna Post Avril`s Lavigne`s Concert Photo ..
This time clearer gehh ..
I know it`s kinda late ==
but then i got nothing to post mah xxD
so post this only loe .. ^^"
then .. i`ll post the Mooncake Festival which held in the school later on ..
Sorry lae .. i really damn freaking lazy @@
I just wanna Post Avril`s Lavigne`s Concert Photo ..
This time clearer gehh ..
I know it`s kinda late ==
but then i got nothing to post mah xxD
so post this only loe .. ^^"
then .. i`ll post the Mooncake Festival which held in the school later on ..
Sorry lae .. i really damn freaking lazy @@
15 September 2008
14 September 2008
12 September 2008
sorry for the long-no-update ..
my computer .. ''die'' again .
all in a sudden .. i cried so hardly ..
i know what u guys thinking lae ..
i`m emo .. ya ya ya ~
erm ..
i miss u again .. it`s been 6 years and 8 months i didn`t see u ..
today`s Mooncake Festival ..
remember last time ?
u always play tanglung with me, hold my hand with your big warm hand, always tried to make me laugh &=D
I do remember those days .. u`re with me .
my computer .. ''die'' again .
all in a sudden .. i cried so hardly ..
i know what u guys thinking lae ..
i`m emo .. ya ya ya ~
erm ..
i miss u again .. it`s been 6 years and 8 months i didn`t see u ..
today`s Mooncake Festival ..
remember last time ?
u always play tanglung with me, hold my hand with your big warm hand, always tried to make me laugh &=D
I do remember those days .. u`re with me .
09 September 2008
1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names.
4. No tags back!!
1)My name is Chutipond. Everyone call me--Pond, Ling, Chutipond, Cuti-Cuti M`sia, and erm .. +++
2) I'm already 16 !! ==||
3) whenever i go shopping,i must 'reward' myself with something *nak satisfied I punye kepuasan.. what to do?* xD
4) i HATE to SMS. @#$%&
5) I love WINNIE THE POOH !!
6) I love collecting papers .. any kind even it`s WHITE & BLANK =D
7) I can daydreaming anywhere, anytime.
8) I don`t like lipstick .
9) when i`m talkin to others .. i`ll naturally touched them ="=
10) today i`m hyper, tomorrow i`m emo ..
11) i felt regret for stopping my piano lesson .
12) i still can`t find someone who understand me.
13) i hate repeating something i just said. *annoying*
14) i love pink & black recently ..
15) i want to tag...
a. Jias
b. Ynn
c. MrCool
d. Yun Chen
e. Eujo.
a. Jias
b. Ynn
c. MrCool
d. Yun Chen
e. Eujo.
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